Iron Man 3 Discussion Thread

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Just got back! I thought it was great. It was unexpected, and I really appreciate that. Loved the tone. Loved making Tony really fight for it. Even liked the Mandarin. And that was pretty darn surprising, though I figured it out pretty quickly. It's great to be surprised by a movie. I think general audiences will really love this. I'm sure the nerd rage will be great on this one, but I thought it was a great step to go in after the last movie.
Just saw it. Good movie overall. I think Avengers spoiled me with its amount of action scenes. Less action scenes and less Tony in his suit made me appreciate the movie first. Its not all about action in the 1st place. Great story told here. It had its moments where it fell short but it was still good. 8/10
More detailed analysis from me:

I'm a huge Iron Man fan, and have been since I was little. He's pretty much my favorite superhero, so I was ecstatic and how great Iron Man 1 was. Iron Man 2 had it's moments, but it's hard to deny that it's not as good. But this one... I definitely think it was back on form. The great thing about this is that there's so much about it that's unexpected. Here are what I think is great about it:

1.) Tony Stark - RDJ is great as Tony Stark, so much so that you don't need him to be in the suit all the time. I thought it was pretty great to have him on his own or interacting with new people for a lot of this movie. I liked that they sort of stripped him down.

2.) The villains not being armored... again. There are only so many armor on armor scenes you can watch. The Extremis soldiers were credible threats and I think this aspect worked very well.

3.) The Mandarin. At first, when I realized what was happening (almost as soon as I saw the teleprompter) I could hardly believe it. But the reveal scene is AMAZING. This is Sooooo much more interesting than if he'd just been a terrorist. The Killian's whole plot is much more interesting than that, using the tropes of terrorism to his own gain. I hope people can appreciate how great this is, and how effective it is. The thing to remember is, if we hadn't gotten the Mandarin this way, we wouldn't have gotten him in any way. He's too problematic as a character. Was part of me sad not to see crazy rings with crazy powers and big huge dragons? Sure, but this seemed to fit, and it's nice to be surprised as a comic book loving viewer.

4.) The kid. Oh, these scenes could have gone so awry. But I thought they were hilarious.

5.) The whole vibe. It's like a high-tech cop movie or something half the time. I know it'll be make some people mad. But I thought it was great. Also great to finally see a proper team-up with Rhodey and Tony! They weren't in armor, but it was great.

6.) Pepper - in a way not a lot happened with Pepper. She was sort of in the background a lot of the time, but it was all worth it for the scenes in the climax.

7.) A sense of closure - I hope there's a lot more of RDJ as Iron Man and Iron Man films, but I enjoyed that this wrapped a bow on the trilogy if it is. I mean, I think he'll be back for Avengers 2. But it'll be interesting to see how all that evolves.

8.) The armors. It was a lot of fun to see all the different designs in action.

9.) The after-credits sequence. Used very much like the sequence in Avengers. Not as pulse pounding as the Phase 1 end credits, but still very fun.
It rocked!


Not perfect like the original Iron Man but I really liked it. Anyone else miss the Iron Man "voice" though? In part 1 he had the coolest voice but it's just Tony's voice now, even when in the suit, it's not enhanced anymore. Oh well. I still really miss the original Roadie too.

Overall I was really surprised how good it was. A solid 8 / 10 for me.
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I know alot of people are complaining about not having Tony in the suit all that much, but honestly he is so good at being Tony Stark that I almost enjoy him out of the suit more. Yeah the action scenes are absolutely awesome, but It is nice for a change to not have it be all action the entire movie. Anyways I liked it alot. Better than the 2nd but not as good as the 1st.
Just got home, and my Wife is already plotting how we can go and see it again tomorrow morning (she's a keeper).

Absolutely loved it. By far IMO the most / best action scenes of all three. I can not believe how much they showed The Mandarin and how little they showed Killian in the previews, only to have it turn out as it did - LOVE it.

I was on media blackout for the last month, and felt surprised at almost every turn. I really hate watching a movie and thinking "oh I've seen this, I know what happens next". Not at all, which made it even better.

Does Mandarin ever say "empty life or a meaningful death"? If he did, I don't remember it. His character in the end was great.

I loved how Tony sometimes had the suit on, sometimes had just a glove, sometimes he controlled the suit without ever being inside. The scene where he gets hit by the semi truck - awesome.

This one was also definitely the most graphic. My 7 year old, who has seen just about all of the super hero movies there are, got scared 3-4 times by the "Extremis People". People on fire, people getting limbs cut off. It was a bit much for him, but all the way home he kept saying how awesome it was.

LOVED the final battle with all of the suits and Tony bouncing all over the place....but now that I've seen the movie, IP and Tony Stark are the only must have figures from the movie. Maybe the Mk 42 but that's it. Disappointed that Igor didn't have a bigger role.

I've seen this exact footage in a documentary about pachycephalosaurus dinosaurs and the debate on whether or not they rammed their skulls to compete for mates.

As far as the film goes, I enjoyed some of it, but was also disappointed a bit.
The way they sort of pulled a Nolan Ra's Al Ghul with the Mandarin didn't really sit well with me. I think Iron Man's arch enemy deserves better than that. I didn't really like how they made the armors seem weaker in this one either. Robert Downey Jr and the rest of the regulars all did a great job, though. I really liked the humor as well.
Well... I don't know guys... did we watch the same movie?...
I mean... Tony Stark was great... all of the jokes were great...
But man... the storyline sucked *****!!
And the Mandarin... seriously... WTF???
Awful, awful, awful... there was like 10 minutes of actual Iron Man suited up in the whole movie... what a joke!
Thumbs down for me...
I've seen this exact footage in a documentary about pachycephalosaurus dinosaurs and the debate on whether or not they rammed their skulls to compete for mates.

As far as the film goes, I enjoyed some of it, but was also disappointed a bit.
The way they sort of pulled a Nolan Ra's Al Ghul with the Mandarin didn't really sit well with me. I think Iron Man's arch enemy deserves better than that. I didn't really like how they made the armors seem weaker in this one either. Robert Downey Jr and the rest of the regulars all did a great job, though. I really liked the humor as well.

While we're on the subject of Nolan's Batman......."The Clean Slate Protocol"???
I was really disappointed by the entire film if I'm honest. I enjoyed the first two immensely albeit for different reasons.

My random thoughts on IM3:

The main bit of information to gain from IM3 is that after what happened in New York, Tony Stark is now a scared little pansy. The anxiety attacks were unnecessary.

I knew about the Mandarin surprise a while ago so no shock there and it really is a shame because Ben Kingsley would have made a damn good real villain. He had the look and the strange accent was just quirky enough to work but they blew that by instead having Kato Kaelin...errr...Guy Pearce as the villain.

The constant falling apart of Mk42 was funny the first and second time but by the tenth time it was rather sad. Throughout the first and second films and The Avengers the armors were tough as a tank and now they suck? Instead of improving upon them as he always has, the latest one cannot even hold itself together. I don't buy the "prototype" label either because the Mk II was undoubtedly even more revolutionary and untested yet its only problem was freezing at high altitude!

The ending was just awful. If he could have had surgery before why didn't he! What the hell?

There was no in-depth explanation about ANYTHING in this film. I felt like I was watching a two hour movie trailer.

Even less of Rhodes than in IM2.

The tradition of using armors between movies was thrown out here. No Mark VII at all.
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This movie was an awful letdown. There is one point in the movie where some fans will be like "Cool I like that" For me that point was like a giant middle finger to the face. Oh well **** happens.
If you simply think PTSD is being a 'scared little pansy' then you've just labelled those soldiers who have served in combat scared little pansies too.

The biggest problem this movie is having is people thinking it's a popcorn flick and not actually reading deeper into it.
Honestly it went from fun to beyond silly...
The whole Mandarin fiasco is a joke... it's terrible... right out of a satire movie... one of IM's biggest foes turned into a dumbed down clown... :slap:
That really pissed me off...
And Iron Man was in the movie for like 10 minutes... WTH...
This was more like "Tony Stark: Confessions of a Former Super-Hero"

And the whole raid on the Mandarin's "lair" was completely ridiculous...

The final battle was completely anti-climatic and the Pepper-dies-oh-no-she's-a-superhero-now was awful as well...

THis makes Iron Man 2 look like a masterpiece... man, am I disappointed!! Ugh!!! :banghead: