I was really disappointed by the entire film if I'm honest. I enjoyed the first two immensely albeit for different reasons.
My random thoughts on IM3:
The main bit of information to gain from IM3 is that after what happened in New York, Tony Stark is now a scared little pansy. The anxiety attacks were unnecessary.
I knew about the Mandarin surprise a while ago so no shock there and it really is a shame because Ben Kingsley would have made a damn good real villain. He had the look and the strange accent was just quirky enough to work but they blew that by instead having Kato Kaelin...errr...Guy Pearce as the villain.
The constant falling apart of Mk42 was funny the first and second time but by the tenth time it was rather sad. Throughout the first and second films and The Avengers the armors were tough as a tank and now they suck? Instead of improving upon them as he always has, the latest one cannot even hold itself together. I don't buy the "prototype" label either because the Mk II was undoubtedly even more revolutionary and untested yet its only problem was freezing at high altitude!
The ending was just awful. If he could have had surgery before why didn't he! What the hell?
There was no in-depth explanation about ANYTHING in this film. I felt like I was watching a two hour movie trailer.
Even less of Rhodes than in IM2.
The tradition of using armors between movies was thrown out here. No Mark VII at all.
Loved it. Probably my 3rd favorite out of the bunch so far (Avengers, IM and IM3). Going to see it again this weekend.
I can understand the mental breakdown. I'm a firefighter and have had guys have serious mental issues after an really intense call, some have even had to quit because of nightmares and such. So fighting aliens from outer space and almost getting killed could be a bit intense
I like how they kept him out of the suit just to show he can handle himself pretty good without it. Captain America can't say much about what is he without the suit now LOL.
The suit was a early very complex prototype and was not really working right at the start of the film, so he was just trying to keep it together. It could not even fight or fly. I enjoyed the constant problems with the suit, it seemed more real. The MKII was a VERY simple design (compared to MK42) and also never really had a hard fight.
The Mandarin twist i did not see coming and was a little let down because he could have been a very cool villain. But i did like how bad @$$ the villains really were.
I wondered about the surgery since IM but it's hollywood so whatever.
Overall it was a much better film than i thought it would be
I enjoyed it more than I expected to. Tony fighting without his suit was a ton of fun. The "twist" was awful. I loved pretty much everything aside from that.
I enjoyed it more than I expected to. Tony fighting without his suit was a ton of fun. The "twist" was awful. I loved pretty much everything aside from that.
I didn't like the 'twist' but other than that I thought the movie was solid from start to finish. I really loved the whole Tennessee thing, especially the extremis chick.
I kind of had a feeling they were going to go this route once Black was brought on board. A more introspective film, with a few big action scenes, but for most of the film the story was about Tony and where he was emotionally after the Avengers.
I liked the movie for the most part. It was a really funny movie and the action was great. I won't deny that...but that twist killed it for me personally. I almost couldn't focus on the movie afterwards.
That being said, I think I was the only one in there who had a sad when Tony's little robot buddies fell into the ocean. I was like,"Nooooooo! Don't die little robo-palz!"
I agree, the armors were far too weak and the ending when someone fell to come back and save the day was very lame. I also did not like what they removed from Tony either at the end.
Oh, it did need more of Iron Man (Tony actuallly in the suit) too. I missed Iron Man (and his voice from part 1).