Broke and happy
Just saw it....expected to really not like it too much after reading all of the comments in here, but...it was entertaining enough, I guess.
The thing I find the most amusing about it is....it's basically a date/buddie/plucky kid family flick with "Iron Man" curtains and accessories thrown in.
The neat, tidy "period" at the end (talk about leaving a mess for Whedon to sort out!) right down to the flashback-styled montage clips.
It was "okay"...but I can see why so many folks are upset....the whole "Mandarian" thing was a bit of a bad joke, the "Extremis" thing felt more "Terminator" than anything else and there were a lot of "call-outs" to other Shane Black flicks to the point where it was getting distracting...
Be interesting to see what the final consensus is once the new-ness wears off and folks have had a chance to see it again and/or think about it some more....
IM2 has now grown on me, so time does weird things.