Iron Man 3 Discussion Thread

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You know, I never noticed that. And it never bothered me in the movie.

And it still won't bother me in the movie. Because I don't care.
I noticed it right off the bat. It didn't necessarily bother me, but it is indicative of how bat**** insane and dumb the movie is at times. It's zany for the sake of being zany. And that's fine, especially if that's your cup of tea.
It is a comic book movie. It's no more my cup of tea, then it is a staple of the material.

As much as I dig those Deadpool books, they had many "WHAT?" moments through out. But hey. I'm not watching this series for logic. Just fun moments, and good characters. If you give me that. I'm satisfied.
Interesting how you lampoon Lizard as a Goblin ripoff (despite it being in your own words, a staple of the material) yet haven't made a peep nor dislike of Killian being a Nymga ripoff :rolleyes:
TF3 made over a billion dollars despite the usual criticizm. Didn't matter if it had campy unexplainable moments or not. As long as the film makes money, the studio simply doesn't care.

I wasn't happy with IM3 either for many reasons..... But the film will make its money and 1 billion will happen as early as this weekend.
What a weird movie.
Totally I mean, nasty, silly just all over the place.
I enjoyed it though. For all the over the top merchandise
It's probably the least commercial IM movie..
TF3 made over a billion dollars despite the usual criticizm. Didn't matter if it had campy unexplainable moments or not. As long as the film makes money, the studio simply doesn't care.

I wasn't happy with IM3 either for many reasons..... But the film will make its money and 1 billion will happen as early as this weekend.

Uh. Iron Man 3 was pretty well liked, critically. It's just mostly the comic fans that don't like this movie. So, it's making good money because people are actually digging it.

Same people still posting on here from last week raging about how horrible they think IM3 is.
I just saw it yesterday, it's just a very odd movie. Almost an anti Iron man movie. I thought Downey was given more stuff to do, which was great, k liked the stuff with the kid. I didn't like the practical over CG suits used at times, but it definitely made the whole Iron Man suit second fiddle to everything else. I thought it was a fun mess. Weird tonally, from nasty to downright silly, at least it was original and non formulaic. The previous 3 movies (avengers included) have pretty much been about the suit.
I always will go Practical over CG, or at very least augment practical with CG. But I personally don't like the practical Iron Man suits, or parts of suits, they look too bulky. Most of the shots in the previous movies have been very careful to disguise the fact that there is no way he would fit into that slender robot suit. Just thought it looked a bit cheap in part three at times.
I just saw it yesterday, it's just a very odd movie. Almost an anti Iron man movie. I thought Downey was given more stuff to do, which was great, k liked the stuff with the kid. I didn't like the practical over CG suits used at times, but it definitely made the whole Iron Man suit second fiddle to everything else. I thought it was a fun mess. Weird tonally, from nasty to downright silly, at least it was original and non formulaic. The previous 3 movies (avengers included) have pretty much been about the suit.

Obviously we won't know until the next movie (Avengers 2 or IM4) but I am assuming that was the entire point of IM3 was to metamorph him from the Iron Man powered by an Arc Reactor into an Iron Man that will resemble extremis/bleeding edge/advanced armor that is more like a super power than the traditional armor. Just a guess. :dunno
I'm glad this was about the man in the suit. The suit is just a bunch of metal crap. It's not a human. It's not a character. It's a thing. An object. I don't care about it. never have.
I'm glad this was about the man in the suit. The suit is just a bunch of metal crap. It's not a human. It's not a character. It's a thing. An object. I don't care about it. never have.

Isn't that the point of ironman. If you dont like the suit or metal crap why even go see a movie called ironman??? I hope you can see that your in the minority here, since I would assume most people want to see ironman in an ironman movie. Not sure if tony stark without any powers, suit would be a huge draw. Don't get me wrong if that floats your boat that's fine and I am not trying to attack your opinion or anything just saying your probably in the minority with that viewpoint.

Its sort of like saying I don't want to see a Superman movie with superman in it, I only care about Clark Kent. They are one in the same, just like tony and his ironman suits. Same with Bruce Wayne and batman.

Good movies do make you care about hunks of metal, take terminator 2 for example. The t800 was a thing made of metal and I sure cared about him at the end of t2 when he had to terminate himself. Also movies like wall-e a d short circuit worked just because of that. Number 5 is Alive!!!!

As a kid seeing ESB for the first time I remember being very concerned about r2d2 when he fell in the swamp with that creature
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Clark Kent is Superman's alter ego. So he doesn't count.

I like characters. Characters are important to films. A suit isn't a character. Tony Stark is. R2D2 is a character. C3PO is a character. Vader's suit is not a character. You see what i'm saying?

I like Iron Man fine....but watching a suit go pew pew isn't really why I like these movies. I like these movies because the character of Tony Stark is fun to watch, and I like to see what he's up to. I wasn't on board with the first Iron Man until I got to like Tony. Then everything mattered, and had a purpose.

Without that purpose, it's just mindless action.
I'm glad this was about the man in the suit. The suit is just a bunch of metal crap. It's not a human. It's not a character. It's a thing. An object. I don't care about it. never have.

Clark Kent is Superman's alter ego. So he doesn't count.

I like characters. Characters are important to films. A suit isn't a character. Tony Stark is. R2D2 is a character. C3PO is a character. Vader's suit is not a character. You see what i'm saying?

I like Iron Man fine....but watching a suit go pew pew isn't really why I like these movies. I like these movies because the character of Tony Stark is fun to watch, and I like to see what he's up to. I wasn't on board with the first Iron Man until I got to like Tony. Then everything mattered, and had a purpose.

Without that purpose, it's just mindless action.

It's interesting how you mention this, I thought the suit in this movie (most notably the Mk 42) had the most "personality" than any of the previous suits. Mostly from it's malfunctioning quirks. It almost was a character this go around.

I guess it's mainly do to it's moments of autonomy.
Uh. Iron Man 3 was pretty well liked, critically. It's just mostly the comic fans that don't like this movie. So, it's making good money because people are actually digging it.

However that don't make it a good film. KOTCS is at the same % as IM3 at RT at 78% fresh. KOTCS also made a ton of cash. I know it has it's fans and it's all relative but I think most agree now that KOTCS is not a 78% fresh movie. Hell Superman Returns is at 76% and I am finding harder and harder to find fans of that one.

I am not saying that IM3 is a bad film (I think it is but that is besides the point) I am just stating that critics and even fans sometimes get it wrong. That does not mean if you still love it 5 years from now that you are wrong. There are just some films that don't live beyond the hype.

I remember how great the overall reviews were for IM2, some saying it was better then IM1, and now many of the same critics are calling it a misfire.

Time will tell were this film will stand among the fans. It could go either way. I tend to think that it will go down in peoples minds. BUT I could be wrong and I am fine with that.

We all know some films get killed by the critics and the fans only to seen as true classics down the road. John Carpenter's The Thing comes to mind.

I wish I could enjoy it more and find the fun in it that many others here have.

Perhaps I will change my view with a second viewing on Blu Ray. It won't be the first time that has happened. I really hope it does happen.

My friend was saying the other day we need to go see it again because we must be wrong about it since so many love it LOL... My son wants to see it now so maybe I will see it again before Blu.

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