Customikey said:Urgh....shut up. More pictures! MORE PICTURES!!!!!! You have to get me through the next two days, MaulFan!!!!!
Customikey said:Yikes, that'd be really scary to me. Just the fact that I'm going to touch his eyes up witha little more detail and ball-joint his arms is sending waves of fear through me....
metaphorge said:A Boy & His Slug:
<a href="" title="Photo Sharing"><img src="" width="600" height="450" alt="DSCF1695" /></a>
MaulFan said:Josh, it occurred to me yesterday that the group image could be a popular wallpaper, so I will be making it available in various sizes.
MaulFan said:Well, here's what I call the Sideshow class photo:
jlcmsu said:Here's a shot I posted earlier. I sharpened it up a little bit. Plus a shot I didn't use for my review.
galactiboy said:Hmmm, I think this shot needs more doily... perhaps placing Jabba on a doily instead of the rug. Yes, I think that would do it!
jedibear inspired me...I did a little modification here...(hope I didn't step on any toes)...your group shot is terrific and I wanted to see what a "class picture" would look like with a little "30th Anniversary" update...