JazzInc - Iron Scavenger Sixth Scale Figure

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I really am curious about HT’s edition sizes. 10,000 could be an average figure run or 10 ten times that. This would certainly sell less than an average figure because of the price but just how much less? Iron Man can command $500 and still sell a bunch. How many $500 Vultures could they sell? 1,000? 500? 5,000? I have no clue.
I don't know. But Asmus has trouble selling 500 of most $200 LOTR figures. Different company/different IP -- I know -- but let's say a Marvel figure sells 10x that. That's still only 5,000 units. Iron Man sells a lot more, but he's one of the few exceptions rather than the rule. Why do you think HT makes so many Iron Men and Spider-Men? Because they cross over well beyond the strictly 1/6th collector.

I think this market -- 1/6 -- is smaller than we'd all like to think. For example, I've never in my life run into anyone who also collects 1/6 figures (besides this site) -- not family, not friends, not at work, not in passing.
I doubt they'd sell anywhere near 10,000 units. If they could, HT would be all over this.

Well that's why I said crazy amount, I know they wouldn't sell anywhere near that many but just to point out the actual revenue it'd generate.

I really am curious about HT’s edition sizes. 10,000 could be an average figure run or 10 ten times that. This would certainly sell less than an average figure because of the price but just how much less? Iron Man can command $500 and still sell a bunch. How many $500 Vultures could they sell? 1,000? 500? 5,000? I have no clue.

I thought I had read someone throw out a number like 20k for the Mark L, which wouldn't surprise me. I've seen everyone posting that thing around.

I don't know. But Asmus has trouble selling 500 of most $200 LOTR figures. Different company/different IP -- I know -- but let's say a Marvel figure sells 10x that. That's still only 5,000 units. Iron Man sells a lot more, but he's one of the few exceptions rather than the rule. Why do you think HT makes so many Iron Men and Spider-Men? Because they cross over well beyond the strictly 1/6th collector.

I think this market -- 1/6 -- is smaller than we'd all like to think. For example, I've never in my life run into anyone who also collects 1/6 figures (besides this site) -- not family, not friends, not at work, not in passing.

I've also never run into anyone who collects 1/6, or even collects anything else really. I don't really advertise it when I first meet people so I'm sure I may have met some collectors here and there, but I seem to be one of the few crazy ones around here haha.
I love this idea, but getting 50 people here will be tough indeed. Especially when this thread will end up getting closed and the project sent to the cold desolate wastelands of the other custom place. Going to need a much wider net than just this forum to get 50 that stay onboard thru completion.

But I love the ambition here! :clap

It seems we freaks aren't the only ones wanting a 1/6 Vulture. The latest word from Joost at JazzInc is they're nearly there on the 50 people & they only need a handful of additional commitments to green light this guy. So if you're on the fence, time to take the plunge - this could be a go within the next week!
Can someone link me to that JazZinc vulture? I keep getting database error Everytime I navigate around this website

All I've seen is the Facebook post that dukefett copied into this thread last week. As I'm not on FB I PM'd JazzInc here to relay my interest. He (Joost) responded right away, so I imagine you could do the same and he'd e-mail you with additional info if it's available.
The Jazzinc version is up for pre-order!


Are those wings the ones he had later in the movie? I can never remember the differences off hand and I can't find the comparison picture.
Are those wings the ones he had later in the movie? I can never remember the differences off hand and I can't find the comparison picture.

It's confusing as Jazzinc had both versions up representing the projected figure:

Vulture Mk I

Vulture Mk II
Here's Joost's response when I pointed out the site referenced both designs:

I know, initially, I left it open, but we had a vote in the jazzInc Facebook group and people wanted the MK1, because that one is already ridiculously large and the Mk2 is even bigger, also, the Mk1 is the one that hot toys teased, so I updated the site immediately a ago and now, you will only find references to Mk1.

All the best,

Does anyone know the weight of this figure and/or if Joost plans on using diecast for the wings? I want this guy, but I need to make sure he won't crack my glass shelves.
Does anyone know the weight of this figure and/or if Joost plans on using diecast for the wings? I want this guy, but I need to make sure he won't crack my glass shelves.

There's a weight listed on the site under Additional Information, but as it's 10kg (22 lbs!) I'm pretty sure it's an error. It's the same weight and dimensions as is listed for their BvS Batmobile, so I think it was just left there by accident when they created the listing. As indicated in their original FB post, the plan is to make it as close to the HT prototype as possible, so I'm assuming that the wings will be plastic, not diecast. I'd ballpark the weight to be roughly twice that of the HT Falcon, as its wingspan is twice as big. Sideshow estimated the Falcon package weight at 5 lbs., so my guess would be 10 lbs. max for the Iron Scavenger.
Jazzinc has payment plans. If I did a payment plan on his website with paypal, will it take the money from my paypal account each month or do you get an invoice each month and have to go in and pay it.