Jazzinc The Batman - Batmobile 1/6 Deluxe

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How about at the same time, rather than very soon after? At the risk of sounding petty, it just seems a bit odd that existing customers take a bit of a backseat to anyone in a facebook group that may not have ever ordered before.

It's like a mobile phone upgrade for new customers only when you've been with the carrier for years.

In case you can't tell, I really want to get in on this :)
Finally saw the movie a second time, and yeah I'm definitely going to need this Batmobile in the collection.

One thing I noticed though is that, contrary to the various toys and diecast 1/16, the front grill area never lights up in that orange color. It's only the top of the hood that does that. So hopefully Joost will correct that on his version.
How about at the same time, rather than very soon after? At the risk of sounding petty, it just seems a bit odd that existing customers take a bit of a backseat to anyone in a facebook group that may not have ever ordered before.

It's like a mobile phone upgrade for new customers only when you've been with the carrier for years.

In case you can't tell, I really want to get in on this :)
I’ll put the link in this group as well when it opens. Ok? 😊 thanks for your support
Wow, seeing how ginormous the new Batmobile looks next to the 66, I'm starting to wonder if I'll have space for one at all now. Starting to think 1/12 would be a much more ideal size for this...

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Is this correct in scale?
When I compare other toys scale the new Batmobile length is somewhere between 16.25-16.5ft.
66 Batmobile is 18.83ft and JL Batmobile is 20ft in length. I would think they get the correct data from WB, but it looks way too big for the scale.
Maybe it's just camera perspective playing with my eyes.
Some new shots of this car from the livestream. Still not sure about the heavy weathering myself, but it does look cooler here in these professional pics.




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Reposting my reply from another thread:

looking at Joost's as well, his is lacking some details. The housing of the pistons should be black on top while his is just plain metallic. The pipes leading to the main exhaust need to have that welded segments and his doesn't have it. @JazzInc

Also, I feel the rear fender needs to taper in more because from what I'm seeing on the actual car, the back part of rear wheels seem to go outside the wheel well whereas Joost's seems to be all inside.
Still not sure about the heavy weathering myself, but it does look cooler here in these professional pics.

I'm still on the fence also. It certainly adds detail, but there's something about a dirty batmobile that I'm not onboard with just yet. Maybe it will grow on me.

Reposting my reply from another thread:

looking at Joost's as well, his is lacking some details. The housing of the pistons should be black on top while his is just plain metallic. The pipes leading to the main exhaust need to have that welded segments and his doesn't have it. @JazzInc

Also, I feel the rear fender needs to taper in more because from what I'm seeing on the actual car, the back part of rear wheels seem to go outside the wheel well whereas Joost's seems to be all inside.

I get that maybe the paint isn't quite 100% correct, but the fender taper should be right on. He got the cad files directly from WB. Do you have any photos for comparison?
Reposting my reply from another thread:

looking at Joost's as well, his is lacking some details. The housing of the pistons should be black on top while his is just plain metallic. The pipes leading to the main exhaust need to have that welded segments and his doesn't have it. @JazzInc

Also, I feel the rear fender needs to taper in more because from what I'm seeing on the actual car, the back part of rear wheels seem to go outside the wheel well whereas Joost's seems to be all inside.
I'm still on the fence also. It certainly adds detail, but there's something about a dirty batmobile that I'm not onboard with just yet. Maybe it will grow on me.

I get that maybe the paint isn't quite 100% correct, but the fender taper should be right on. He got the cad files directly from WB. Do you have any photos for comparison?
Joost will probably see this, but you should be posting these comments on his Facebook.
Wow, Joost hinted that he's actually considering a KITT from Knight Rider right now, and was discussing it with Universal. That just makes me deliriously happy.
I don’t think he actually said that, he said it would be his pet project if he could do anything and that he had been talking to Universal about the Delorean until HT stepped in and that Universal has the rights to KR. Not sure if he had actually spoken to them about Kitt, which for most of us over 50 (40?) is just well, I’m lost for words.

Really really fantastic chat btw. Great job Jedha and Mike. Joost is just such a humble, down to earth legend.
I get that maybe the paint isn't quite 100% correct, but the fender taper should be right on. He got the cad files directly from WB. Do you have any photos for comparison?

Here are some photos:


You can see the back part of the rear wheel is peeking out at the sides.

Another thing I see on these but not on Joost is that slight upwards curved profile of the sides of the front fenders. Joost's seem almost flat.

I see what you mean about the rear wheels.

If I look at Joost's photos from the front, it looks like the fenders disappear behind the rear wheels like they're supposed to. From the back (Joost's photo), it doesn't look like that. Maybe the angle? It looks to me that maybe the back wheels need to come out a bit. It's hard to tell. Hopefully, we'll get some better photos, or even a comment from Joost.
The only thing that jumps out at me is that the front bumper needs to be more of a gunmetal gray with black bumper guards. Joost seems to have the colors reversed on his for some reason.
I don’t think he actually said that, he said it would be his pet project if he could do anything and that he had been talking to Universal about the Delorean until HT stepped in and that Universal has the rights to KR. Not sure if he had actually spoken to them about Kitt, which for most of us over 50 (40?) is just well, I’m lost for words.

Really really fantastic chat btw. Great job Jedha and Mike. Joost is just such a humble, down to earth legend.
Yeah he started out describing it as a pet project, but also seemed to hint that it could be one of those future projects for 2023 he was thinking about. At least that's how it sounded to me. But I admit I could be reading more into it than is there.
I've tried to put similar photos in close proximity for comparison.

Here are some photos:

You can see the back part of the rear wheel is peeking out at the sides.


Another thing I see on these but not on Joost is that slight upwards curved profile of the sides of the front fenders. Joost's seem almost flat.



Damn, you've got a good eye for detail (y)

I agree with you on the back end - that's the money shot. Any tweaks that make it more ferocious are certainly welcome there. With regards to the front, if you're referring to the portion of the front fender that sits topside next to the hood, the detail is there, but making it more pronounced would certainly make it look less like a toy. Details are always good.

Not to make excuses, but after all, it is called a "prototype" for a reason. I'm sure it will evolve and improve a bit before it goes out the door - these things always do and there's a lot of time before delivery. At any given time, I'm sure there are always several hundred people in Joost's Facebook group trying to get in his ear with their thoughts, so I'm just going to trust in his skills, while also being grateful that I don't have to deal with all of them. Poor guy!


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