Even though they just care about their Ipads and their Minecraft, I feel kind of bad for kids these days. The Jurassic World toys pale in comparison to the ones that they put out when the first Jurassic Park came out when I was a kid. Those toys were really awesome.
OK, maybe I was wrong. Maybe I want to eat Claire.
I'm in love......
You're not screwing with me? That's not Jared Leto, is it?
I really wanted to see Control Room Girl get eaten. Not because I didn't like her. Maybe I did. I just want everyone to get eaten in a JP movie.
Hoskins needed to die much better. Wu should have lost his arm... come back with a mechanical one.... OR a dino-arm!
Sometimes, I wanted Claire to get eaten.![]()
I wanted the older brother to get chomped mid jump off the waterfall![]()
I thought a fitting death for him would be if he was suddenly surrounded by many teenage beauties and they all led him to a quiet, dark room and stripped him of his clothing... and then sacrificed his ass to their white God, I-rex!
I thought a fitting death for him would be if he was suddenly surrounded by many teenage beauties and they all led him to a quiet, dark room and stripped him of his clothing... and then sacrificed his ass to their white God, I-rex!
I thought a fitting death for him would be if he was suddenly surrounded by many teenage beauties and they all led him to a quiet, dark room and stripped him of his clothing... and then sacrificed his ass to their white God, I-rex!
All while taking selfies![]()
Saw this last night--it was better than I expected to be but got to say I'm a bit surprised just how beloved and successful this movie seems to be. It was a cool flick, but I missed the magic of the original. That feeling of wonder and adventure, which the established amusement park setup obviously negates. But I can't knock the movie for being different and intending to standout from the classic. So, moving on...
I thought the main characters were okay. Only Starlord and his raptor-wrangling buddy interested me. The CGI was pretty good, but those shots of the raptors being all muzzled up looked very cartoonish. Wasn't particularly bad CGI across the board but made me really appreciate Winston's puppets and animatronics. I thought i-Rex was a good "villain" for the film. I thought I'd be conflicted and root for him because he was going to be a tragic, innocent creature in some way--but he was just a total **** even by dinosaur standards. Felt so bad for that brontosaurus/apatosaurus (poor girl). And that Anklyosaurus. What a total dbag of a dinosaur.
I loved the T-Rex reveal. With the way she came out of the shadows and how his eyes glowed off the light of the flare she looked so evil. But, T-Rex got her ass kicked! I thought she was going down for a little while and in my head I was like "omg after Spinosaurus they are going to 'off' the classic T-Rex too?? Ballsy!". Then Blue saved the day--he was the true hero of the movie. Speaking of, they should have added a scene where i-Rex and the raptors budded heads before they just switched sides at the end--it seemed too wishywashy. They were all gung-ho being on i-Rex's side and killed humans and they themselves being killed by humans, so for them to decide out of the blue (pardon the pun) that they were going to fight against i-Rex seemed too forced...but it was a nice little tribute to the series as a whole that Rex and Raptor came together and took out the new threat (well, not really, that giant shark/crocodile thing did) since they own the top scenes of the classic film respectively. I got to say though, i-Rex took them both on and kept fighting. And even when giant shark/croc got him, he didn't whimper or back down or anything...he went right back at him and ultimately fell to his fate.
Sad for Blue now that he's the only raptor.
And yes I thought the same thing with the waterfall scene....it looked exactly like i-Rex was going to do a "Predator" right behind them lol. Don't know if it can compare to the Godzilla fight though...I mean Godzilla took on all comers and ripped off heads. The only bad thing was the movie was too dark to see any of it lol.
Nah...it's the Dinos...plus nostalgia from the original filmKing Kong was about a monkey, and Land of the Lost...I don't know what that is
JP3 was the third film of a dying franchise, but this one is really being sold as a "fresh" start, and yet some how they are marketing it as if it was a sequel to the original film. They even showed the original film on NBC with Spielberg and Pratt hosting the special as way to promote this film. As far as the film making so much money because it's a kickass movie, maybe if this was the second week, but people didn't know if JW was good or bad when it broke all kinds of records during the opening weekend, and the reviews weren't great either. The original cast is not in it and I doubt Chris Pratt is responsible for attracting so many people worldwide, so I have to say that the Dinos are the main attraction, not the quality of the film.
See here's the thing. You really aren't in a position to declare why JW is doing so well because:
1. You're a "one and done" dude who didn't care for the movie and are therefore not a contributor to its unusual level of success
2. You aren't listening to the people around you. NO ONE is saying, "You know, I didn't really care for the movie, but I just needed to see dinosaurs on screen and I wanted to hear some of John Williams' score from the first movie so I went and saw it three times this weekend." No one. You need to listen to those of us (jye, Gruson, me, etc.) who have already seen it multiple times because it is people like us who made it a 200 million movie and we're stating point blank that it's because the movie kicked ass.
If I told you "You know the only reason Titanic was a success was because it had a boat in it," that'd be stupid. Because it meant that I was turning a blind eye to the millions upon millions of teenage girls who saw it 6 or 7 times because of Leo and the romance. I knew those girls, we all did.
What's interesting about Jurassic World, and what makes this particular phenomenon quite unique, is that this film might be the only global sensation not based on teenage girls (Titanic, Twilight, Hunger Games) or a novelty (first JP, Avatar, first Avengers.) Are girls rushing out to see this in droves? No, though the audience was a pretty even split between the genders. Is JW a total novelty, showing us dinosaurs for the first time? Again, no.
This is just another revisit to a series that ran its course years ago, not too unlike Max Max or the Terminator. People weren't desperate to see dinosaurs on screen, we wanted to see them IN THE PARK, breaking out of their cages and sending everyone into a panic. JW finally gave us that after two random detours to "Site B" and it did it in spectacular fashion. That's why I don't think this moment will ever be replicated. They can give us two more JW movies with Owen and his cyber-raptors hunting more freaks from Wu's lab but it'll be something different than the scenario we've got right now and it just won't be the same.
So "adding dinosaurs" to any other movie, even future JW films, absolutely will not be some magical guarantee of global dominance.
Well that didn't take long, WB just greenlit a giant shark movie.![]()