Justice League Movie (Nov 17th, 2017)

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Very different characters and stories. So, I think there definitely is room for both in theory. But considering this is WB, I don't have a lot of confidence that it will be well executed. Already we know Rock isn't going to be a one and done villain, because he's too big a star to be, and in the comic he is often an antihero, so maybe they can build on something with him, anyway.

Agreed- he will be an antihero and outshine whoever plays Capt Marvel- sorta like Tonto was more of a lead than the Lone ranger in his own film
Hmmm, or maybe WB is worried about Affleck now that he's made his first dud.

Personally, I don't think he was a great Batman at all, I don't know if it was his fault or Snyder's since none of the characters really worked in BvS for me, but Affleck just isn't a good actor. He's a major step down from Bale and Keaton which is a shame because he has the perfect look, but he can't elevate movies like his predecessors did.

WB is in a horrible position, they can't really reboot right now but if they continue on with the DCEU they have to somehow continue on from the mess they created. They need to get a great writer and filmmaker to somehow do a DOFP reboot for them with the Justice League films, they have the perfect opportunity to reset everything with those films. My only problem is they'd probably still have to keep the actors they hired for future movies.

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Hmmm, or maybe WB is worried about Affleck now that he's made his first dud.

Personally, I don't think he was a great Batman at all, I don't know if it was his fault or Snyder's since none of the characters really worked in BvS for me, but Affleck just isn't a good actor. He's a major step down from Bale and Keaton which is a shame because he has the perfect look, but he can't elevate movies like his predecessors did.

WB is in a horrible position, they can't really reboot right now but if they continue on with the DCEU they have to somehow continue on from the mess they created. They need to get a great writer and filmmaker to somehow do a DOFP reboot for them with the Justice League films, they have the perfect opportunity to reset everything with those films. My only problem is they'd probably still have to keep the actors they hired for future movies.

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Just wait until Wonder Woman flops! :lol

Critics might go easy on it to avoid any sexist accusations from SJW...but I see nothing in the WW to suggest it's a good film.

JL is going to be affected by WW and the previous DCEU films, and then in less than a month a new SW film will be the main headline...while JL a distant memory.

What a cluster**** :lol It's going to be fun to watch :yess:
Personally, I don't think he was a great Batman at all.

Affleck just isn't a good actor.
Hmmm, or maybe WB is worried about Affleck now that he's made his first dud.

Personally, I don't think he was a great Batman at all, I don't know if it was his fault or Snyder's since none of the characters really worked in BvS for me, but Affleck just isn't a good actor. He's a major step down from Bale and Keaton which is a shame because he has the perfect look, but he can't elevate movies like his predecessors did.

WB is in a horrible position, they can't really reboot right now but if they continue on with the DCEU they have to somehow continue on from the mess they created. They need to get a great writer and filmmaker to somehow do a DOFP reboot for them with the Justice League films, they have the perfect opportunity to reset everything with those films. My only problem is they'd probably still have to keep the actors they hired for future movies.

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Just do a Flashpoint and they can fix what they need to.
Hmmm, or maybe WB is worried about Affleck now that he's made his first dud.

Personally, I don't think he was a great Batman at all, I don't know if it was his fault or Snyder's since none of the characters really worked in BvS for me, but Affleck just isn't a good actor. He's a major step down from Bale and Keaton which is a shame because he has the perfect look, but he can't elevate movies like his predecessors did.

WB is in a horrible position, they can't really reboot right now but if they continue on with the DCEU they have to somehow continue on from the mess they created. They need to get a great writer and filmmaker to somehow do a DOFP reboot for them with the Justice League films, they have the perfect opportunity to reset everything with those films. My only problem is they'd probably still have to keep the actors they hired for future movies.

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Dude its Batman not Shakespeare lol.

He's fine.
Just wait until Wonder Woman flops! :lol

Critics might go easy on it to avoid any sexist accusations from SJW...but I see nothing in the WW to suggest it's a good film.

JL is going to be affected by WW and the previous DCEU films, and the in less than a month a new SW film....:lol

What a cluster**** :lol It's going to be fun to watch :yess:

I think Wonder Woman is going to be absolutely horrible. But yea, I don't see it ending up Rotten. The trailer gave me an Elektra vibe. The acting will undoubtably be terrible, the action looked uninspired, and the only character that seemed to have some personality was the fat female assistant.

Does Flash have a new director yet? Supposedly JL was rewritten entirely to be less dark and more fun, Batman seems to be in trouble, no word on a Superman sequel, unfortunately Ayer is back directing another DC movie, Cyborg got scrapped. Aquaman seems to be the only movie that isn't having problems yet.

My hope would be that somehow by doing a DOFP reboot to this universe would separate all the heroes forever in their own universes so that we can get standalone movies with actual character development, and give these directors more creative freedom without connecting it to other movies. I don't need to see Batman talking to Superman, and it does absolutely nothing for me.
The #1 Batman movie I want to see is Batman 3 starring Michael Keaton and with the same production designers as the original. Don't really care if Burton comes back since he's far past his prime. Of course it will never happen but I can dream.
Dude its Batman not Shakespeare lol.

He's fine.

Sorry Jye, there have been too many good superhero movies with good performances for me to accept Affleck in the role.

He's a major IMPROVEMENT over the cookie monster Batman.
BvS over RISES any day.

Obviously this doesn't mean much coming from someone who think the entire Nolan trilogy is garbage :lol

Batman Begins Batman is the best version of Batman that I've seen in live action. Bale was by far the best Bruce Wayne, if you think Affleck gave a better performance then I feel bad for you Riddick.

Affleck looked cooler but that was it, then again that what you comic fans seem to care about these days anyway.

But Batffleck also sounds like a robotic cookie monster...he was just given a technological excuse. :lol

I don't even care about the voices, as long as it makes sense within the context of the movie. Neither Affleck or Bale's Batman sound as cool as Keaton's version (except for Begins Batman) but that doesn't really help the story or acting in anyway. Affleck's most memorable scene in terms of acting was the Martha scene, so why Riddick thinks he smokes Bale I don't know :lol
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The #1 Batman movie I want to see is Batman 3 starring Michael Keaton and with the same production designers as the original. Don't really care if Burton comes back since he's far past his prime. Of course it will never happen but I can dream.

Burton is as important to those movies as Keaton is. Neither of those first two movies have great stories, it's all atmosphere and crazy characters that really Burton created. Keaton's Batman can't just work in any version but Burton's universe. Hell, Batman Returns has one of the worst scripts of all time, the movie is watchable just based on visuals and atmosphere that Burton created.
I disagree. Burton created some iconic moments but in other ways he hindered those films from being all that they could have been. I'd like to see what someone else could do.
I disagree. Burton created some iconic moments but in other ways he hindered those films from being all that they could have been. I'd like to see what someone else could do.

It'd be interesting to see, but I think Burton brought far more good than bad. I mean those movies really do get by almost purely on aesthetics.

Bale was good but I think Affleck is also doing fine in the roll, he makes great stern angry face and he's big. :lol

:lol :lol :lol

I don't know, all these blockbusters are becoming so bland, we need more than just cool looking actors and action to keep me interested now.
BR was a horrible film in many ways- just very very bad. It is still very watchable because of what Burton brought to it. His 89 film is a masterpiece though