Justice League Movie (Nov 17th, 2017)

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In Rogue One Smits told Mothma that Obi-Wan served him well in the Clone Wars which Ewan McGregor never actually did. In fact Bail was more of a help to Obi-Wan than the other way around. PT: Retconned! :rock
In Rogue One Smits told Mothma that Obi-Wan served him well in the Clone Wars which Ewan McGregor never actually did. In fact Bail was more of a help to Obi-Wan than the other way around. PT: Retconned! :rock

As a Jedi, Obi-Wan served under the republic senate, thus he served Bail Organa.

Checkmate Rogue***
ohhh he got ya there Khev.

DiFabio has nothing. Don't fall for his bait, he likes to play you wretched pinhead puppets like a harp from hell! Mon Mothma was a senator. So when Bail told her that Obi-Wan "served me well" he wasn't talking about the Senate. He meant himself personally. Not the Senate, not fellow senator Mon Mothma, just himself.

And with that not only does Rogue One sync up perfectly with the OT in every conceivable way (including Tarkin and Leia looking exactly like real life Cushing and Fisher every second they were on screen) but in one fell swoop eradicates the entirety of the PT as canon. Bravo RO, bravo.
DiFabio has nothing. Don't fall for his bait, he likes to play you wretched pinhead puppets like a harp from hell! Mon Mothma was a senator. So when Bail told her that Obi-Wan "served me well" he wasn't talking about the Senate. He meant himself personally. Not the Senate, not fellow senator Mon Mothma, just himself.

And with that not only does Rogue One sync up perfectly with the OT in every conceivable way (including Tarkin and Leia looking exactly like real life Cushing and Fisher every second they were on screen) but in one fell swoop eradicates the entirety of the PT as canon. Bravo RO, bravo.

Nope pt is still canon. It's in the canon Star Wars comics and Hayden might be in the last Jedi

As mace windu would say " you have lost" sorry ot guys
Yeah I thought that was an odd quote for him to use if he was declaring victory.

"In the immortal words of a guy who was about to be defeated in every conceivable way, 'you have lost.'"
Nope Kathleen Kennedy said the PT is now under their "Legends" brand. Hayden Christensen will be in The Last Jedi, yes, but he'll be playing the Force sensitive tree on Luke's island. No CGI or makeup will be needed to enhance his performance.

Are Clone Wars and Rebels legends too? Does Legends status cancel canonicity?
Are Clone Wars and Rebels legends too? Does Legends status cancel canonicity?

"Legends" are indeed non-canon to the current Disney narrative but I was just messing with ironwez20. PT, CW and Rebels are all still official.

Oh, and, uh, I hope Justice League turns out better than GotG2. Someone should ask Diane Lane.