Broke and happy
lol @ the bait wars. 

Abake is not one to bait, I think, which makes his post more misguided ;_;
Those are not particularly stand out Supermen, he's even misrepresented in 2 of those stories.
Justice and Kingdom Come aren't particularly great either, it's Alex Ross what sells those to people.
He draws a hell of a Superman though, but most of his other characters look like 40 yo cosplayers.
All-Star is the epitome of the character, it's the litmus test for whether or not you actually like Superman and not one of his rationalizations.
Abake never baits.
Killing Joke is ok, I guess, but yeah, I don't see why it's so highly praised. Maybe I have to give it another read.
Just for fun
Gitesh Pandya
#JusticeLeague drops 57% in 2nd wknd to $40.7M, by far the largest decline in Top10 over #Thanksgiving holiday wknd. Cume after 10 days is $171.5M heading to domestic final of about $240M. Will be lowest among all 5 #DCEU films.
11:13 AM - Nov 26, 2017
It's likely to miss $700M worldwide. What should have been an easy $1B worldwide blockbuster has turned into a box-office embarrassment.
Grace will label it a success lol
Did you say easily 1 billion, hell fans were saying it would make 1.5 - 2 billion!
I don’t blame them for thinking that because I was one of them I thought JL could join the 2 billion club.
Nope lol
I never thought it had a chance at a billion.
I never thought it had a chance at a billion.
The real question now: can TLJ reach 1 billion?
And I don't mean Tommy Lee Jones.
The real question now: can TLJ reach 1 billion?
And I don't mean Tommy Lee Jones.
My rankings for the DCEU:
Wonder Woman