I agree affleck phoned it in for justice league, he was way better in BVS. Another issue with batman in justice league- other than Afflecks acting- is that he was pretty much useless once the fighting started. He doesn't work well in team up movies because he is the weakest link on the team. He simply cannot compete with super-powered enemies that can overpower him and render his gadgets useless. He can be the brains and come up with the strategy but he cannot go toe to toe with any of dc's more powerful villains like doomsday, darkseid, sinestro, Stepenwolf etc... The problem with team up movies is they need a villain that is powerful enough to pose a believable threat to the likes of Superman, Wonder Woman, Flash & Aquaman all at once, which means you pretty much need someone that's completely out of batman's league. What they need to do is have a big threat and a minor threat for batman to take on like joker working in the background, while the big boys take on the super villain.