Wow. Thanks Commtech. I am pretty happy with him. Only part I couldn't get to work right is the abdomen to the thighs, as mine is cut apart peices of model, instead of one continuous rubber part like Shawn's are or the like. That does make mine REALLY posable though. I do like that part.
I have held one of Shawn's, the one I repainted for Pjam, and it was astoundingly made, so much so, that even with my own, I kinda wanted one. But I think I'll just hang on to mine and not worry about the legs. Still...if I could get just that thigh armor part from Shawn....
And Staggerly, yes. The recast vinyl kits are smaller in scale. Any recasts are if I understand correctly. I assume resin recasts don't change scale much, but vinyls do, because the molds shrink and the recast vinyl parts are always smaller. I have thought for ages that I might get one of the recast white vinyl kits, just to try another Batman, but someone told me not to bother, as they won't fit any bodies correctly. And that is key. The old original Billiken kits were also molded in black vinyl so no painting was needed also. It all adds up. IF you ever find the A type kit, it has the best body armor and all, and the B has the cape down and the proper cowl, although that part could be made somehow I think, easier than the body armor. Look for both Billiken kits if you want to do this. Both of those also come with an inner face part that is seperate from the cowl. NOW, one could even apply PERS methods to the eyes I bet. If I had only known! LOL! Mine was made a while back though, so no going back now.
My feeling is, that HT will come out with a PERS DX type Keaton within the next two years or so. It's too logical a progression to not do, and a DX would cover it I think. Same with a Nicholson Joker.
Oh, and he doesn't have a gold belt! No way. Lots of figures and models have that, statues even. Keaton's belt color can be mixed with the following colors, if using Testors Acryls or comparable colors: three parts or more of Insignia Yellow, one part or less of Leather (a brown and you don't mix in much to the yellow) and a spot of gold or brass, in the mix, and when that color dries, do washes and wipes with the same color but darkened with more of the yellow/brown, and some thin grey, and gold. That shades the crannies and adds just a shade of variation to it. But, bottom line, the belt is YELLOW and not gold! Just an accuracy thing for anyone working on their own.
The chest emblem is a rich yellow also, mixed with just a smidgeon of the leather brown as well.
Not lemon yellow!!!!! No! No. No.
Be careful of the reference images you use, and what the lighting is in each. The colors on Keaton Batman are very specific, but sometimes hard to nail down unless you can see them in well lit, and almost neutral lighting.