Been working on a MP Catwoman for a while now. Should have her up by year's end. I do have the Henry Wayne Batman Returns figure, and he is pretty rockin. Had to change out the body though, so he was the same height at my custom 89. And more posable. But Henry's armor is second to none. Not too posable, but REALLY accurate. The cowl needs some work, but is pretty close.
And for anyone wanting to buy my 89, sorry. No go. All the King's Horses and All the King's men... Same with my Nicholson Joker. Too personal and too close to my heart. But, I wish I could make more. BELIEVE me, I would. If anyone ever snags the Billiken kits though, might be coerced to make one for you sometime.
Anyway, great stuff on here. Love seeing these. And Coco, other than you must be up to no good, lol, You and Maulfan both (I'm gonna have to discuss the situation with Maulfan...

) I do very much LOVE your Batman collection, AND, as we both know, it will be growing in a couple of very interesting ways sometime soon.
A joint venture to be sure!
(I'm gonna need some hats too! So, stay tuned there!)
Anyway, thanks guys.