OT Preferist
Re: Keaton Batman
Yep, Coco ordered one, but last I heard he was still waiting.
Yep, Coco ordered one, but last I heard he was still waiting.
Where to order?
Thanks for the link, great looking fig. Although i wished his costume would be the one from the scene with the rose for his parents (the coat is there already).
Are these very limited by the way? Can't buy it for atleast a few months.
Is it too late to order a Keaton Batman?
Same here, still waiting. I'm a couple spots down from you on the list, 8S.
It's hard waiting for a figure, but even harder being kept in the dark about it. Especially considering he's taking on many other projects, it's hard not to wonder if we've been brushed to the side.
^ You're probably right, but you know, in waiting sometimes the mind wanders...
Don't get me wrong, I do appreciate Shawn taking the trouble to even produce these awesome figures for us (very very much appreciated), but some people (like 8S and me) have been waiting since what, January? And now it's about a week till the end of April. The mind wanders when it's waiting, and it's getting a wee bit impatient.
Heck, I paid before Christmas and got mine beginning of march. I know he had an issue with the latex materials when the weather was bitter cold (the latex before it was cast, not the final figure). That might have pushed the schedule back. Just hang in there. If you are really concerned, email him. It might take a few days to get a reply, but he is very accomodating.