I agree about the score... It's forgettable. No theme as far as I can tell... It is pretty much like every film score out there today.
Yes I would say it is a JC Reilly film.. His character was very interesting and funny to me and I wanted / needed that end credit scene you are talking about. IMO it worked well since I wanted to know more about what happens with him without adding a run time to the film.
But you nailed it on the head for me... This film is not about Kong... Its what makes it feel a bit incomplete. The story did not really focus in him. I said in my remarks above that it was the story that lost me a bit and I think that is why. But I am glad to say I enjoyed it much more then you
I agree with this guy most of the time (I don't really care for him personality wise) but I thought he missed the mark a bit and was looking for things to complain about... I must have missed the Fx scene he thought was so bad because I thought everything held up well. In fact this was a much more convincing Island then PJ's King Kong...
Never thought the film felt like a comedy.. JC Reilly had some good lines but nobody else really tried to be funny. There may have been a throw away line here or there (Lion/mouse/ thorn story) but most of it was played serious.
Other then John Goodman (in the beginning especially) I thought all the acting was good and serviceable.
Not picking on you pturtle... It's just you are the most vocal about your dislike of the film (which is fine) so I am just standing up for the film in case others want to see it but were put off by what you wrote..
I tend to be right about these things
