if you want to see something that will make you cringe go on youtube and type in "Faces of Meth." i'll leave it at that
Good rant. Spoken from someone who has witnessed what "harmless" pot can do.Begin rant:
I graduated college. Dad passed away. I wanted to make a difference and spent 8 weeks learning to be a EMT. I volunteered for 5 years on local squad and seen first hand what drugs (all kinds) due to people. I can say they ruin lives. Your statement is asinine.
Perhaps a more accurate statement is weeds hasn't ruined or impacted your life in the ways you described. Good for you. Think outside your little world for a moment.
Drugs ( including weed) impacts peoples lives everyday. How about the mother and father who sent a child to jail for dealing or possessing weed? How about the child whose parents rather spend money and time on weed rather than with their child? How about a family who lost a family member or had a family member disabled because someone was driving stoned? How about the people and their families fighting the war on drugs? Theses people's lives aren't impacted or ruined because of drugs (including weed)?
The world is much bigger than our little place in it.
End rant.
Thanks for your time
I got ya. .....makes sense. I just dont think Weed is really that deadly to others as much as booze, and the hard drugs.
I agree, weed is mild compared to other drugs. It is an oxymoron to suggest people do drugs responsibily and that I would have no issue with legalizing drugs. The people who do drugs and risk others makes me take a hard line stance and say ban them all.
Wife and children are my life. Exposing them unneccessary risk isn't acceptable.
I dont know....its kinda like beer and is possible to be responsible with beer.
However, if you have kids, you shouldnt smoke weed. Sorry dads.![]()
Mentally, physically addicted, who cares.
I know kids who toke up with their moms.....interesting eh?
the govt don't want you to see things for what the truly are. It is a tool. (not to be used or abused daily IMO)<QUOTE]
Government conspiracy or aliens? Explains the Rowdy Pipper avatar![]()
I noticed that. I think he and Teemu are twins that were separated at birth.the govt don't want you to see things for what the truly are. It is a tool. (not to be used or abused daily IMO)<QUOTE]
Government conspiracy or aliens? Explains the Rowdy Pipper avatar![]()
I will watch it later as I can't view videos at work.I'll let the master explain better... You'd do well to listen!
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Meh. Just make weed legal like booze and tax it. Everything else not a good idea.
Please differentiate the two for me. If something is mentally addicting surely there are physical manifestations.