I don't want to get killed by a high driver any more than I want to be killed by a drunk driver. People can't be trusted to have common sense.
Don't drive then...
I don't want to get killed by a high driver any more than I want to be killed by a drunk driver. People can't be trusted to have common sense.
i dont see any problem with pot being legalized. it is less harmful than alcohol, and causes less deaths. i'm sick of hearing how dangerous weed is. thank god at least one state has some rationality..wait...what's this thread about again?
If alcohol is legal this should be as well.
Pot is great...
You know how many girls I've lured with that stuff?
Abolish Megan's Law while we are at it too...Exactly what I've been saying for years.
Pot is great...
You know how many girls I've taken advantage of with that stuff?
He's not banned yet? Give it a couple of days I guess.
And you're supposedly a doctor? Hopefully you don't do surgeries.
Pot is great...
You know how many girls I've lured with that stuff?
Abolish Megan's Law while we are at it too...
I have to say. Being able to grow it will seriously kick drug dealers in the NUTS![]()
While i haven't bought a $300 bottle of scotch, I drool at them every time I go to the liquor store and will purchase one one day...
I have to say. Being able to grow it will seriously kick drug dealers in the NUTS![]()
there will still always be drug dealers selling pot.if stores will start selling pot like cigs.it will be the crappiest pot around and people will still go to the guy on the corner to get the better stuff.l would just grow it my self.there is nothing wrong with pot,its better for you then cigs.and millions of people dont die from pot.but it can damper your life if you dont control the habbit and become dependent like my brother or some friends.but its about time they legalize it, then prostition,but thats a different thread.
:eek :eek :eek
...*really* mister "anti racism"?
This a$$ hole needs to GTFO!
You can't ban someone for simply being a BSer.![]()
Abolish Megan's Law while we are at it too...
vic is on a role bashing everyone and pissing off memebers about what he said in the things that annoy you thread and now bashing pitu.time for an ass kicking.
Abolish Megan's Law while we are at it too...
These two posts are scary...
doubt it, the average person wouldnt be able to grow it successfully. it takes a hell of a lot of work and care. especially if you want the THC content to be high.
Can you ban them for being a perv of the highest order?
That's at least the third time he has referenced Megan's Law in the forums.
One of them was under the 'Things I Hate' thread. (That post was deleted.)