That's one reason I'll always have trouble taking TDK as seriously as so many people do on here.
It always bothered me how non-violent it is. I'm not saying we needed to see some Departed level executions, gore, blood squibs or a character bleeding out, but the movie is waaaaay too sterile. I've always found that "grittiness" people speak of to be a meme, a joke. They could have
atleast given the Joker a missing tooth, a bloody nose or something after the interrogation scene. All the characters come off as cartoon characters where the harm inflicted on them aren't even evident. Batman and Joker could punch and stab the **** out of each other and nothing would happen. There aren't any consequences other than laying on the ground, pretending you are dead. That pool table scene where the Joker kills Gambol for instance just doesn't hold up well. It's not horrific, it's not scary. There were other more creative ways to play up his death than the silent, off screen stab with cheesy horror movie tune.
I'm not saying lack of blood makes it a bad movie, it's good, but I'll never see it as some serious film that elevates the genre. It's a ****ing PG-13 Batman comic book movie.
That alone gives Logan the edge in my opinion, not to mention it's a more emotional and heartfelt journey than anything that happens in TDK (I dunno about other people but I was happy when Rachel died
