Its a shame because it looked fantastic in that first trailer.
Once I saw the second trailer with the Tool song and the awful green screen action I began to have doubts.
17 years.
Glad they're going out in such good form.
Yeah, I remember seeing that first trailer and being hella excited. The end result was... not as good. It's still not a bad flick, but it's kinda like your average, run of the mill Captain America Flash-Back story in an all-ages book.
Now, while this might be a controversial opinion, I'd kill to see a HYDRA-Cap film adapted properly. HYDRA-Cap is a legit master planner. He's currently playing literally everyone in the Marvel Universe. He's making deals with Senators, killing political enemies, setting up attacks from other terrorist organizations, put the plan to kill Banner in motion, and lots of other stuff. The guy is a pure beast.
With Chris Evans? I'm sure that after 5 films, maybe 6 or 7 if you count IW, he'd want to do something different, like playing a villain or "evil" Cap.
Maybe he'll come back. Still don't get why Logan is aging and not heeling properly after so many years of not aging. If the film took place in 2120, I could see him being an old man since he was over 100 years old in X1, but for him to be "old" in 2024 with Xavier still around doesn't make sense to me.
17 years.
Glad they're going out in such good form.
He was born in 1832 so he's actually 200-years-old in this film.
17 years.
Glad they're going out in such good form.
Close, he's 192 in 2024 since he was born in 1832. My issue is that at the end of The Wolverine in 2015 he's 183, so he's only 8 years older in DOFP and an extra year in Logan, which makes him only 9 years older than he was in The Wolverine. Seems like he suddenly got old because they felt like making him older and broken to tell this "final" story. Again, if it was 2120, ok...but then they can't have Xavier in the film.
taking it out of context.
in a dim lit room.
2 old guys and a kid...........creepy.
Aaannnnnddd you ruined it, fosing.
You just ruined the trailer for all of us.
- I've heard the call!
Guess they could say that thing that was keeping him from healing in the last flick has affected him permanently.
If the little girl supposed to be the x23 chick?
I thought about that, but when he wakes up in 2023 at the very end of DOFP he's in a newly created timeline and he doesn't remember anything after 1973, but given that everyone is alive and well, including Jean Gray, that means the events of The Wolverine didn't happen because she was dead in that original timeline. Therefore, Wolverine should be healthy since the Japan stuff didn't happen .
taking it out of context.
in a dim lit room.
2 old guys and a kid...........creepy.
This post makes me realize how much Fox has ****** up the X-Men franchise.![]()
Eh, Time Travel and broken Timelines are for the X-Men what Clones are for Spider-Man. An embarassing part of the mythos, but it wouldn't be the same without them. So, technically, Fox is adapting the source material.![]()