Can anyone report what is on the secret disc?
Can anyone report what is on the secret disc?
I liked it. What are your thoughts?
As I mentioned in my review a few pages back (in spoiler tags), the secret disc contains the 3 hours of never before seen bonus material.
This one was pretty shakey. No amount of electromagnetism would make a woman drop dead like a time bomb at the same exact time.4) Why women couldn't give birth on the island.
Yes I remember. Do you (or anyeone else) care to expand a bit? "3 hours of never before seen bonus material" is a wee bit vague.![]()
I dont think WHY Walt is special was actually answered. They hinted to his father who's dead and all, but Hurley could talk to the dead too.
Why was he in a mental hospital though? Didnt quite catch that.
I assumed that Walt was special for two reasons:
1. He could talk to the dead
2. He was the one that would take over for Hurley eventually
I would imagine he was in the mental hospital for many of the same reasons Hurely he was talking to dead people and thought he was crazy.
I skimmed through it the other night. It has a retrospective look at the series with interviews with some of the cast and crew, a featurette on the prop master, some stuff on the scoring of the final episode, and some odds and ends from other seasons (deleted scenes and stuff). It's the bonus disc for the set really.
I dont think WHY Walt is special was actually answered. They hinted to his father who's dead and all, but Hurley could talk to the dead too.
Why was he in a mental hospital though? Didnt quite catch that.
Walt's part in the epilogue made me really think that we will be getting LOST made for TV movies at some point. It seemed like the whole epilogue was a pilot for a new series.
Thanks beeshaw.![]()
Letting Go: Reflections of a Six Year Journey (39:43; 1080i) is a bittersweet assemblage of reminiscences by the cast and crew, with some fun interstitials of the gorgeous Hawaii scenery. Daniel Dae-Kim appears throughout flying around the island in a helicopter. There are also some home movies of various episodes being shot.
Artifacts of the Island: Inside the Lost Prop House (14:07; 1080i) Rob Kyker, Lost's prop master takes us on a guided tour of the storage facility for Lost's props, including huge Tupperware storage bins devoted to each of the major characters.
Planet Lost (11:55; 1080i and 480p) has some fun segments of Lost fans around the world waxing enthusiastic about their favorite show. There are also scenes from the series dubbed into a variety of foreign languages, as well as Cuse and Lindelof at some little geek-fest I think is called Comic-Con or something like that.
Swan Song: Orchestrating the Final Moments of Lost (13:18; 1080i) is a nice look at the final scoring session for the series, though it includes one laugh out loud, semi-patronizing comment from Evangeline Lilly. Evie waltzes onto the soundstage and congratulates the orchestral players for having as much fun on their jobs as she and the cast did on the island. Oh, yeah, sure, I bet any of those string players is just thrilled to be stuck in a soundstage for days while Lilly and her friends frolic in the tropical paradise of Hawaii.
Lost on Location is the first of two huge arrays of mini-featurettes devoted to backstage musings on various episodes. It's split into three seasons, and includes:
Season 3 (1080i)
* Cost of Living (4:07), dealing with CGI elements and Eko's death;
* Enter 77 (4:39), showing some nice behind the scenes footage of evil Mikhail at The Flame;
* D.O.C. (4:03), focusing on the episode where Juliet determines Sun is pregnant.
Season 4 (1080i)
* Eggtown (2:11) has Evangeline Lilly talking about the correspondence between the sudden celebrity of the Oceanic Six and her own personal life after shooting to stardom in Lost.
Season 5 (1080i)
* This Place is Death (5:05) talks about Jin's reemergence in the series, albeit back in time with Danielle;
* 316 (5:23) depicts the incredible feat of building an airline terminal basically overnight and then tearing it down just as fast.
The Lost Slapdowns (45:06; 1080i) is one of the sillier, more useless extras included in this set, patently stupid, fitfully amusing skits featuring Cuse, Lindelof and people like Paul Scheer or Michael Emerson in what amount to nothing more than promos for the Blu-ray and DVD releases of the series.
Deleted Scenes (1:44:00; 1080i and 480p) is an assemblage of interesting, but not completely compelling, segments from seasons 3 and 5, made even less appealing by their ugly video presentation.
More from the Series is the second huge compendium of featurettes, most offering behind the scenes footage of various segments or episodes. It includes:
Season 4 (1080i)
* Regina's Jump (1:39), showing the suicide leap off the tanker;
* Rat Maze (1:39), an interesting look at building Faraday's maze;
* Ben's Door (1:20), another interesting glimpse at how sets were constructed;
* Hurling Hurley (1:41), wherein our favorite lottery winner learns to heave an ottoman through a window;
* Building the Bomb (2:10) has propmaster Kyker making the C4 bomb which would provide this season's explosive climax.
Season 5 (1080i)
* Ben vs. Desmond (3:20) is a fun excursion through the showdown scene on the pier;
* Locke's Leg (1:50) is a gruesome expose of the prosthetic constructed for Locke's fall;
* Rose and Bernard's Retirement (2:12) is a fun and funny look at the castaways who just up and disappeared—evidently on purpose;
* Jeep Escape (1:16) has Evie doing her own stunt driving;
* Others' Secrets (2:03) doesn't really live up to its title, but details the camp circa 1977;
* Radzinsky at the Flame (2:09) has Eric Lange talking about his contributions to the series;
* Sun and Jin's Wedding (1:04) is a nice look at how a traditional Korean wedding was depicted for the show.
The final extra is another behemoth compilation, this time audio only, entitled The Best of the Lost Podcasts. Though I couldn't take the time to listen to each of these in toto, I did spot check all of them, and they're often very informative and amusing. It's also interesting to note how their format and production qualities were enhanced after the first few, as this "exclusive" started catching on with fans. This section includes:
Season 2
* 11/8/05 Abandoned (17:54)
* 3/20/06 The Whole Truth (28:54)
* 3/28/06 Lockdown (28:10)
* 4/3/06 Dave (17:21)
* 6/13/06 Harold Perrineau and Malcolm David Kelley (15:57)
Season 3
* 2/20/07 Stranger in a Strange Land (28:09)
* 4/16/07 Catch 22 (27:08)
* 5/4/07 The Man Behind the Curtain (24:30)
* 5/11/07 Greatest Hits (27:47)
* 9/22/07 Anniversary of Oceanic Flight 815 (26:46)
Season 4
* 2/19/08 Eggtown (23:24)
* 3/21/08 Meet Kevin Johnson (26:14)
* 5/7/08 Cabin Fever (23:44)
* 5/19/08 Shape of Things to Come (25:17)
Season 5
* 3/26/09 Whatever Happened Happened (18:33)
* 4/6/09 Dead is Dead (19:11)
* 4/23/09 The Variable (22:14)
* 5/11/09 The Incident (22:25)
* 5/16/09 Michael Emerson (9:43)
Season 6
* 8/6/09 Edward Kitsis and Adam Horowitz (19:35)
* 2/4/10 What Kate Does (23:10)
* 2/22/10 Lighthouse (19:57)
* 4/15/10 The Last Recruit (26:25)
* 5/14/10 What They Died For (32:10)
Yes I remember. Do you (or anyeone else) care to expand a bit? "3 hours of never before seen bonus material" is a wee bit vague.![]()
This one was pretty shakey. No amount of electromagnetism would make a woman drop dead like a time bomb at the same exact time.
And if Ben always had access to these Dharma materials he would have known this from the beginning, instead of recruiting Juliet to research it for 3 years.
How do I play Sennet??
It seems like Jacob's message is a remote control command to find stuff, but what disc do you use??