Darth Cruel
Super Freak
That was brilliantly stated. I wish I were so eloquent in my communication of how I feel about what is going on today. The good news is, I think the majority of people are seeing and expressing their dissatisfaction at how dysfunctional our leaders, government, and laws/policies/regulation agencies have become.
yes it was. it is just too bad that it has been stated brilliantly thousands of times to absolutley zero effect to improvement.
Blah, blah.
LOL...brilliant! I am racking my brain and I am pretty sure this is the most straightforward thing I have ever heard a lawyer say. And I am not saying lawyers are liars, I am simply saying that they tend to decorate arguments with a bunch of information that may or may not be pertenant to the issue. But "blah, blah" is just about as plain and simple as it gets. Hell, it is nearly inarguable in its simplicity. And I find that to be in direct contrast to what I am accustomed to from lawyers.
I feel I owe you a little insight to my attitude toward the legal doublespeak I dislike so much. I firmly believe that it is the cornerstone of political doublespeak as a huge number of our politicians are lawyers and use it to fool people in to voting for them.
The issue is with the TSA invading privacy. The "videographer" is just a distraction ... a countermeasure to take the focus off of the TSA. The videographer was a private citizen recording public activity that was forced into public by the TSA ... I don't care about the videographer.
I don't believe that the issue is the TSA invading privacy. I believe the TSA is just a scapegoat for someone who is looking for some attention. If the issue were privacy, the person could point the finger at a hundred other routine events that people practice every day in the regular living of their lives. And the complaint about privacy in this case is further unfounded as the search can be avoided by simply walking through the scanner. And to refuse to walk through the scanner based on health concerns simply has no support from proof...or even supporting evidence...of the danger of the scanner.
At the end of the day...I believe that some people are trying to get some attention by starting a fight where it is doing no good. I will be the first to admit that privacy has to have a time and place. But the citizens cried out for action after 9/11 and sent our government into a security frenzy which resulted in the activity being scrutinized in this thread. If they want the privacy back...causing a scene at an airport screening point is a pathetic place to do it.
The voting booths is where that should be handled...but...the citizens are failing there as well. And they are failing there, at least partially, because of doublespeak from the politicians.
Now, I understand perfectly that this post may be coming off as a nut-job who thinks they found the single issue that will heel the world if corrected (that being doublespeak). I realize it is not. It is simply one of the key issues and just happens to be the one I am addressing in this post along with aiming the effort for change in the right direction.