Insufferable S.O.B.
The hate it deserves is it completely butchers Homers story.
you cannot tell me she doesnt look so beautiful
she is so hot
The hate it deserves is it completely butchers Homers story.
I got hit by a couple articles about this movie before I saw it,
one quote said "Andy Serkis' interrogation scene" brought to mind the Joker's interrogation during the Dark Knight.
It was a decent scene but no.
I wouldn't say anything in this movie is close the TDK.
Without memeing, she legit looks like the Romani woman who once jumped in front of my uncle's car. She was trying to kill her baby and collect insurance gibs (common practise with the ones here). Thankfully, my uncle is a master alcoholic driver, so he did a 2Fast2Furious maneuver and she just fell face first into the mud.
Fun times.
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I can hear the drums crows. The War to end all wars is coming. And I'll use my whiteboi sociopathy to its full extent.
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I blame wor-gar for the white fear
We're lucky the Asians are manlets and use cheap, Chinese materials.