I don't either

. For me the MCU is kunda like reading a book in a way. E.g. as a typical book goes along usually early on the suite of main characters are introduced. You get involved in their arcs. Like people asking where Thor and Hulk were in CW and if Cap & co. would show up a bit in BP. The exception would be an outlier like Guardians. The story weaves back and forth between the main characters.
But BP is earth-grounded and IMO had a pretty significant credit scene in CW. The choice to offer sanctuary told me a huge amount about T'challa as well as his defiance. So I would have argued with Coogler about not giving 10 minutes or so to fending off a nosy Tony or talking with Shuri about, or to Bucky or talking with Zuri about the Civil War events. Having those cameos grounds and interlinks the overarching story.
I get why Coogler dodn't do that. There's some good interviews out where Coogler where he talks about the decisions he made. But for me if the movie is that stand-alone then my reasons for seeing it change - probably to "because everyone is and I like what I know of Africa and it sounds alright to good" rather than "here's another chapter I can't wait to see and take my money NOW". I would have argued with Feige about it too. But IMO Feige is setting up BP for beyond IW2 and he has a success with BP, so guess people like me are gonna have to shell out for another *thin* prelude comic in April. (Not that an A-list producer and director care about a few fan whines anyway
