No worries, Amanamatt, I'm at 29 hours and I only just completed all the loyalty missions. I'm currently making sure I do all the available things I can before doing the IFF and Omega Relay missions.
I don't know how some people can finish this game in under 20 hours. It just seems like a waste if you don't take the time to talk to your squad mates or do the side missions.
Kain and I beat the game last night, thanks for the help after the Omega 4 Relay I was quite suprised that I got the Tali Paramour scene, I was flirting with Kelly pretty heavily; even brought her up to my cabin for some dinner. AH well, maybe I waited too long to go through the Omega 4.
Going to start playing it on Insanity tonight, have a couple of achievements to pick up.
Have a couple of videos here: one's great and one's kinda creepy.
No worries, Amanamatt, I'm at 29 hours and I only just completed all the loyalty missions. I'm currently making sure I do all the available things I can before doing the IFF and Omega Relay missions.
I don't know how some people can finish this game in under 20 hours. It just seems like a waste if you don't take the time to talk to your squad mates or do the side missions.
Cool...yeah, I am with you. To do the main stuff in 20 hours, you gotta be skipping a whole lot...I mean, the game only allows you to go so fast....
Excellent to the Geth....yeah, realize that in the storyline, they are not the 'boogeymen' they once were, but they were cool!!!
Only thing that kinda bugs me, and lets take this as one example: when you do a mission on say, Ilum, and pick up Thane, the game asks you if you want to go back to the Normandy, which is cool, but then you take off automatically. I am like, 'wait just a sec' then you gotta reland......! Not sure why they made the decision to do that. Not a huge deal, just one of those things that makes you go, 'Hmm'
Ok, on they Mass effect boards, people report that in your cabin you can have a pic of a former cast member, presumably the one you had romanced in ME1, which for me was the Asairi......however, I have no pic of anyone in my cabin.....anyone else get a pic near your desk? Wondering what's up with that?
What are all of the upgrades you need in order to survive the "Suicide Mission"? I have most all of them, including all of the Normandy upgrades (except for the Med-Bay one for scars... do I need that one, too?)
Like others, I am taking my sweet time before going through the Omega 4 Relay. I've now visited and scanned ALL of the planets in all of the systems and done pretty much every side-mission. What bugs me though is that I botched two of them: the data mission for Liara on Illium (I didn't realize that you had to get the data out of all 3 terminals before downloading) and Thane's Son (I lost the guy I was tracking at the very end and his son ending up completing the assassination) and it's way too late to go back and re-do them now. Just hope it doesn't bite me in the ass. I have a feeling Thane may be toast, though, since he is the only of my crew members that I did not achieve Loyalty with.
What are all of the upgrades you need in order to survive the "Suicide Mission"? I have most all of them, including all of the Normandy upgrades (except for the Med-Bay one for scars... do I need that one, too?)
Like others, I am taking my sweet time before going through the Omega 4 Relay. I've now visited and scanned ALL of the planets in all of the systems and done pretty much every side-mission. What bugs me though is that I botched two of them: the data mission for Liara on Illium (I didn't realize that you had to get the data out of all 3 terminals before downloading) and Thane's Son (I lost the guy I was tracking at the very end and his son ending up completing the assassination) and it's way too late to go back and re-do them now. Just hope it doesn't bite me in the ass. I have a feeling Thane may be toast, though, since he is the only of my crew members that I did not achieve Loyalty with.
Okay, cool... thanks! I just don't really need it because my Paragon points got rid of my scars ages ago. Plus, I'd rather not have to go mine another 22,000 Platinum to get to the 50,000 necessary.
This is the best game I've ever played. Although it could have the worst gameplay of all time and I would still play it through to the end just to see the story. I don't think any video game has caused me to connect with the characters on such an emotional level as this one has.
I love the Paragon and Renegade interrupt options. Favorite renegade moment so far (keep in mind I almost always go paragon) was
in Miranda's mission, when the one merc was trash talking me... headbutted him and started shooting all his dudes.
Best paragon moment (and best moment in the game for me so far) was
in Tali's mission when she finds her father and you can give her a hug... call me a huge sucker but I cried at that part.
I love the combat, it took me a while to adjust my habits from ME1 but after I figured out that no cover = death, I starting messing people up.
Gonna be playing this one through a couple times... got get with both Tali AND Miranda, after all.
P.S. Any company that would like to take every cent I have should make action figures from this game.
I am amazed at how many 'fans' seem to hate it over at the boards. I can literally not go there before bed anymore, and their troll-like behavior at such a cool game actually got bugs me
I am amazed at how many 'fans' seem to hate it over at the boards. I can literally not go there before bed anymore, and their troll-like behavior at such a cool game actually got bugs me
Whaaaaaat?? Those goobers actually hate this game?? I loved the first MASS EFFECT, but this one is clearly superior (which is saying a lot). I do miss a few of the characters, though. But the new characters iN ME2 are awesome. All of them. My one mild nit is that they seemed to have gone soft with the romance options this time around. I figured they'd have gone the other way and pushed the envelope even more, but it seems they got timid by the silly backlash against the "pornography" in the first game.
People hate it? What do they complain about??? Planet scanning can get a bit tedious but it's worlds better than trying to drive that piece of junk Mako around... I just break up the scanning and do a little between each mission so it doesn't get old.
My only disappointment is with one little part of the story (Ilium spoiler):
WTF do you mean Liara won't come with me?? The other chicks on the Normandy are all over me, even the Quarian, and you're gonna just let me walk?
Eh. I really don't mind the planet scanning. Like you said... if you break it up between missions it's not nearly as tedious and draining. And there is always that cool moment when you happen upon an anomaly.
Besides, does it ever really get old to hear Tricia Helfer say "launching probe" or "probe launched"?
Eh. I really don't mind the planet scanning. Like you said... if you break it up between missions it's not nearly as tedious and draining. And there is always that cool moment when you happen upon an anomaly.
Besides, does it ever really get old to hear Tricia Helfer say "launching probe" or "probe launched"?
The planet scanning is tedious, but only if you're obsessive-compulsive about side missions like me. I feel an unwavering urge to scan every planet I come across. I have around 200,000 Iridium, Platinum, and Palladium currently but I still continue to scan.
So I think I've officially given up on's just ridiculous. I'm doing okay, but the AI is just clearly retarded. Maybe I'm not planning my attacks well, but I'm getting pissed off that it's just stupid.
The planet scanning is tedious, but only if you're obsessive-compulsive about side missions like me. I feel an unwavering urge to scan every planet I come across. I have around 200,000 Iridium, Platinum, and Palladium currently but I still continue to scan.
So I think I've officially given up on's just ridiculous. I'm doing okay, but the AI is just clearly retarded. Maybe I'm not planning my attacks well, but I'm getting pissed off that it's just stupid.
I have been upgrading here and there. Mostly the ship stuff first, but I have been keeping up with available upgrades. It's just that whenever I visit a new planetary system or cluster, I can't leave it without scanning everything. It's a physical impossibility for me . And when I scan a planet, I don't stop until it is 'depleted' completely. I have a lot of resources just sitting there.
Caedus, what class are you playing for Insanity mode? Maybe if you change to a different class that would make combat a bit easier?
I have been upgrading here and there. Mostly the ship stuff first, but I have been keeping up with available upgrades. It's just that whenever I visit a new planetary system or cluster, I can't leave it without scanning everything. It's a physical impossibility for me . And when I scan a planet, I don't stop until it is 'depleted' completely. I have a lot of resources just sitting there.
Caedus, what class are you playing for Insanity mode? Maybe if you change to a different class that would make combat a bit easier?
I'm playing my ME2 character Vanguard. Perhaps that's why it's pretty difficult; but I figured it would be easier with a level 26 character, then starting with a level 1 character of another class. If you play Insanity with a new character, do you start out at level 1??? If so, that would seem pretty impossible.
The planet scanning is tedious, but only if you're obsessive-compulsive about side missions like me. I feel an unwavering urge to scan every planet I come across. I have around 200,000 Iridium, Platinum, and Palladium currently but I still continue to scan.
No, you don't. Not at all. In fact, I have only depleted ONE planet entirely and I have every upgrade except the Med Bay Facility for scars. And I could get that one by mining another 22,000 Platinum which wouldn't be too hard. But probably not worth the time.