She has been on record as saying that Creationism should be taught in schools, that our war in Iraq was "God's Will... that we were doing God's work", she wanted to ban books that were against her personal beliefs... I think that is definitely shoving religion down people's throats.
I don't think they should take anything off the money or the pledge, that's history... something that means something to this country and it's people.
I just don't want someone in high office that is SO spiritual that they want to change things to better suit her religious preference. That would be unconstitutional and disrespectful the the other religions in this nation of ours.
I'm not anti religious, I just believe that people should be able to choose.
The Constitution was written before Abortion was an issue. But we are given rights over ourselves by the Bill of Rights. Nobody can take away our basic freedoms. Freedom over your body is certainly covered by that.
To ban abortions would bloom our population, rape victims would have to raise the bastard children of criminals (with possible mental issues to deal with), and illegal abortions would be rampant.
Having a pistol is fine, I have nothing against it. As long as it was legally obtained.