McFarlane Toys: The Walking Dead

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I shall disagree with you sir!...well I haven't seen Robocop in person yet but I don't theres anything wrong sculptwise with the T-800.

Add some hella sloppy paint apps to this:


Whatever process they're using to shrink down the original sculpts is killing them. :huh
I shall disagree with you sir!...well I haven't seen Robocop in person yet but I don't theres anything wrong sculptwise with the T-800.

I have the NECA 8" Robocop and if you can find one with the helmet covering the nose like I did it is actually a great sculpt. The ones with the nose exposed....well....:dunno what happened there.
Really hope NECA do new Jasons next year to compliment Freddy. Looking forward to their Rocky and Rambo lines.

Id love to see them do new Jasons with some articulation! I have the Cult Classics Series 1 Pt VII Jason and though I like him a lot. I wish there was more ways to pose him.
I picked up the TV series set yesterday. They do look better than the comic set but I keep hesitating on opening them. Though I have to say both benefit from being seen in-person at their actual itty-bitty size.
Also, the wind-up feature on the Zombie Walker requires hideous looking foot additions.

Here are some pics I took at the show. Should also be noted that the black pegs on Darryl's arms are painted flesh tone on the figure I purchased.








I'm not sure what the deal is with this b&w Rick but he looks pretty cool. Reminds me of watching The Mist in b&w.


And just a random note - I saw Kirkman signing and he has to be the most personable "talent" I've ever seen at a show (though admittedly I don't go to a lot of these). He was very talkative and making sure he shook people's hands and engaged everyone.

They do look better than I thought they would turn out. We need more Zombies.
people still collect McFarlane figures?

I only unboxed my tortured souls set the other day.
Great figures.

I haven't seen a new McFarlane figure in years
Saw both Rick Grimes at TRU, bloody and non bloody. $15 for non bloody and $23 for $bloody. Why is that?

Hope the TV series Rick Grimes is better, just POd the last one at BBTS.
I think the fact that the one zombie is a wind up toy is evidence that McFarlane shouldn't make figures anymore.
Saw both Rick Grimes at TRU, bloody and non bloody. $15 for non bloody and $23 for $bloody. Why is that?

Hope the TV series Rick Grimes is better, just POd the last one at BBTS.

Because McFarlane Toys has completely lost touch with their customer base. :lol

McFarlane has definitely lost his mind. Those comic series figures are absolutely horrible.

The television series figures are supposedly going to be the same size as the comic figures. WTF is wrong with them??? :slap
NYCC exclusive Rick. Looks like ass, IMHO. :(


I seriously for the life of me can not understand how Todd can be ok putting out such an utter piece of crap like that.

We are talking about the man that before he decided to change things the most detailed figure imaginable was like toy biz xmen line from the 90s.

That hideous monstrosity above looks worse than the "Wolverine 2" I had back in the early 90s that came on the gold x men cards.
Also, we went from this


to that, is also pretty embarrassing. McToys used to be the kings of paint
wow. Ive been completely out of touch with McFarlane stuff even tho he's pretty much what got me hooked on figure collecting ..
... WTF has happened .... what a downfall .... :monkey1