Medicom Indy and Dr. Jones - the polite thread

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Indy himself can be seen HERE

Here's the box:


Here's what's inside:


More pics at the link above.
You're probably onto something there Evilface. Might be a deal between them, for Sideshow having the Medicom distribution.
For $150, Medicom's Indy figure is about the biggest joke ever. Even the artifacts look cheap and Hasbro-ish.

Looks much better than the protos!!!
now wheres SS version? Im gonna wait till I see in hand shots of both versions before deciding which to get.
Looks much better than the protos!!!
now wheres SS version? Im gonna wait till I see in hand shots of both versions before deciding which to get.


Since Sideshow's is $60 less than Medicom's it would have to look like complete crap for it not to be the better purchase on that basis alone.

And what about this looks so much better than the prototype? The headsculpt? Fine. But it still has the giraffe neck, ill-fitting clothes, a horrifically cheap looking (and inaccurate) hat, cheap Hasbro-ish accessories, and is way, way too skinny. Good luck with that.
Prehaps I wasn't being clear enough. I meant the headsculpt looks much better than the protos. I think the giraffe neck is due to the nature of the 301 body. It works fine for figures who have thick clothings or bulky armour but for normal figs, it looks abit weird.
Definitely needs abit of padding to make him look more natural & mascular. I also find that the pants look real cheap.

So far the SS version looks better in alot of ways but Im more concerned about how the final product will look like. Hopefully SS pulls an Old Ben headsculpt on Indy!

The main deciding factor for me to buy an Indy fig, is how good the production head sculpt will look like.
I agree. I think we're all waiting with baited breath to see how the Sideshow head turns out in production. I just hope we don't have to wait another 7 months!
Boy that Indy is........

Well, this is the polite thread.

I think Indy's going to be a definite pass. Apart from the body, the HS and the hat, now the whip and his jacket are bugging me.
No need to sugarcoat it, the Medicom Indy is crapola.

On the positive side... Henry Sr. looks like a real winner, overpriced or not.

Its as if Sr. is shaking his head in disbelief at how bad Jr turned out :lol

Not really feeling the packaging design, looks very Hasbroish... which may be a dictate of LFL. I hope not, because I'm really hoping Sideshow does something really interesting.