Menlojames Custom fun and repaints some new figures

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Re: Conan In progress

I added a little more detail last night with some real Hair and wrist guards.


Honestly, I think I would go with all real hair or all sculpted. I'm not sure about the combination of the two.

Granted, I have minimal customization skillage...but that's just my opinion.
Re: Conan In progress

Man it's looking good!
I spot some paint issues around some joint areas...
When I worked on my Duke Nukem's body I had the same problem of having paints peeling off around the joint areas when I try to make different poses.
So what I did was... I sanded those problem areas thats causing friction as well as sanding the entire body before painting it (if you dont use primer it' helps a lot to sand the shinny body before applying acrylic paint). Then spray it with dull coat to seal the paints.

Since we are playing with the body similar to those customisers who play 6~7" action .. so I found a good tutorial from Jin's website that you can read up for more details :)
Re: Conan In progress

Great looking custom... I have one of these bodies and now I'm thinking I should do Conan instead of what I had planned. Really looks badass.
Predator 1 Blain

Well I finally got the right clothing and passable gear to finish my Blain figure. next up will be Dutch and crew.




Re: Predator 1 Blain

SpawnFan Thanks, I agree I do have to beef him up some how. Originally I was going to use a different body that was a lot more beefy though the pants wouldn't button. So I switched it to a hot toys body instead. I think I will use some sculpting epoxy to beef up his arms and chest, Thanks for the feedback.

Zoolander Thanks for the kind words, Now I'm trying to find an Apollo Head (HT rocky figure) or figure for a decent price to make Make Jackson.

915stag51 Thanks, I will bulk him up and will post some updated pics soon.
Re: My Custom Daniel Craig opening Seen Casino Royal

lol I think you need to get punched square in the face for that one shai, thats a low blow!

thats a good effort menlojames, but I think you need a better base sculpt (because that doesn't look remotely like RDJ) and a better body.
Re: My Custom Daniel Craig opening Seen Casino Royal

I like your Craig Menlojames! Though it is true I think the color is a little light. When I paint blonde hair, I first paint the whole a light brown, then the blonde color. Strangely enough, I always add a very small quantity of green to my mix to "cut" the yellow color...
just got 2 great Ada Heads

I have been wanting a good Will Smith head ever since I saw I am legend. I wasn't sure about Ada's Joker head but I really like it. I love painting Joker heads, they are different and a lot of fun to try.




Re: just got 2 great Ada Heads

I like how unique those look, the way you paint them makes them look like 2-D oil paintings.

very cool!!!
Re: just got 2 great Ada Heads

Thanks Die, I have been using Liquitex Acrylic paints and holding the figure in had and looking at it looks a lot more realistic than the 8 mega pixel pictures I'v posted, though looking at these pictures you are right they do kind of look like oil paintings. Thanks again!
Quantum Bond

Hello, I just saw the new Bond film tonight and I liked it and was inspired to put some parts I have together and so far this is what I have. I am going to weather his suite a lot more to make it look dirty and dusty like in the dessert scene.
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Re: Quantum Bond

after looking at my pictures, I saw that the eye area had white all over the eye lids so I fixed it and did some touch ups on the head.
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