I think were looking at a 1Q or 2Q 2014 release. At least will get to kill time with Raiden next year. I wonder mech will be the basis of the story. Hopefully this is the cap to the Big Boss story and at the end he starts construction of TX 55, but I hope they retcon it to be more in line with the other mechs and make it more advanced than ZEKE.
Kojima so jumped the gun advancing the tech too quickly. In the trailer, it looks like BB has a radar system superior to Soliton radar lol.
For the new "Metal Gear" (if there is one), it'll have to be more powerful than Peace Walker and ZEKE. Each game seems to up the ante on technology. But, of course, the Patriots could always use a large ocean rig to retrieve Peace Walker from the bottom of the sea, and install a different AI