You're better off without any memories of "V".
Parasite Suit fully upgraded with the Armour Mist fully upgraded makes the extreme mission easy
What the hell does that thing even do. It tells you you need parasites so it works. How do you get parasites and what does the suit do. I'm literally on the last mission, shouldn't I know what this thing does already?
Parasite Suit fully upgraded with the Armour Mist fully upgraded makes the extreme mission easy
kojima didnt fail us KONAMI did
This list is too kind, but check out the comments.
So, from those comments, fans are still placing the blame solely on Konami? Here's what doesn't make sense to me- Konami gave Kojima a significant budget, over 5 years of development time and luxury (traveling, public appearances, heck- a ******* hour-long TV show in his honor) and they're the villain now? Over half a decade of game development and our dear fluffy lord isn't responsible for the final product? Please.
History has thought us that there are plenty of movies with absolutely torturous, grueling development- under-budgets, tensions between crew, disagreement with studios, etc and they made it work one way or another. Look up movies such as Donner's Superman, The Terminator, The Thing, Robocop, Predator, Batman: Mask of the Phantasm etc are just some of the movies where they had no right to be as good as they were based on how bad the behind the scenes were. And somehow Kojima, with his lavish lifestyle and penchant for having things his way, has no idea the game will be this bad. Right.
The company gives you a time table and a budget... if you don't fall under the constraints of that, then it's all on you. MGS4's budget was 60 million and it doesn't feel incomplete, not even in the slightest. Not to mention, the world felt way more alive, and visually stimulating. It's amazing that game is almost 10 years old and looks 10x better. If they didn't adopt the dumb ****ing sandboxes, maybe the same would of been "complete."
This Skyler guy knows what he's talking about.
"If it would've taken Kojima another 2 or 3 years to 'complete' this game, there's something wrong with the way he was working on it. You don't start working on a game as early as 2010 (Kojima was tweeting about doing the jeep mo-cap for the game that long ago) and only have it 50% of the way done by 2015. That's ridiculous. A lot of the blame should fall on him, too. He seemed more interested in making Silent Hills and tweeting about his breakfast every day while he was traveling all over the world doing nothing for the past several years than he was with actually finishing MGSV."
As much as I don't like MGS4, it's clearly the superior game in every regard and like you said, it even looks better. Whatever crap that went on between those two, it's not Kojima who will bear the loss, it's Konami. It's their money going into those Kojima Nation where people sing his name on air, they paid for his lavish trips, research and so on and picked up the tab. Now I'm not taking sides with Konami, but saying it's their fault we got such a repetitious, uninspired game is certainly unwarranted and shallow. Even Chapter 51 could not have saved the game, it's still a spectacular mess.