But that's a false analogy. Ellie doesn't kill neeeeeearly as many people as Joel, not even close.
You also need to separate narrative from gameplay, you can't take the fact that they kill 50 NPCS in 15 minutes literally in the narrative.
But again, "everyone".
Have a friend drop a brick on your melon, tell me if it's effective or not
Nah man, like I said, it sounded like he was trying to add a feminist tint to what he already made in the game.
You can tell by his explanation of the ending, it's so ********.
"Yeah that's when she decided she needed to dump Joel to be independent". **** right off
I'll agree with you, these mother****ers are going full legend of Korra from now on.
But the fact that you don't like those characters doesn't make them a problem, they're not a problem, there's no difference between those characters and Joel.
You are right about infallible SJW characters.
Sure looks like it.
Maybe not usually and certainly not with the Uncharted series, but with TLOU? Very much so imo.
The fact that they have simple plots isnt' a bad thing when the characters and the dialogue are so endearing.
Yeah but Joel does everything, like 90% of the killing.I don’t mean killing as many people in total, but being capable to take out rooms of enemies, or even towns![]()
In games like TLOU and Uncharted you should, the narrative is very down to earth and realistic you simply cannot reconcile the fact that they kill 50 people a day, or more, with limited resources, t's retarded.I don’t think you should separate narrative and gameplay, I think the point of gameplay is to immerse the player into the story. A lot of games do it perfectly where most of what you’re doing in game doesn’t underserve the story, Metal Gear, Hitman, even Grand Theft Auto are games that do that, I think thats the point of the medium.
But you can read between the lines, not just chug whatever devs say, I know it's a broken record in this thread and I love Kojima, but that's what Kojibros do, isn't it? They just run with whatever favors Kojima.The guy made the game though, if he’s explaining all these things have a feminist agenda then how can I argue it?
Like I said, he was an SJW before this game, and a lot of it came from wanting to make a game for his daughter, i think some things did have Anita’s Sarkeesian’s influence though which probably mostly made it in Left Behind.
But Snake Eater and MGS4 aren't simple at allI have no problem with simple stories, Snake Eater and MGS4 have pretty simple stories, but to me, the dialogue in ND games and the story is never that great but the storytelling is, and especially in TLOU, but its really the characters and tech behind the game that elevate everything along with the storytelling. The acting in TLOU is truly amazing and Joel can say anything and it’ll sound great. While the Metal Gear series has a lot of dumb stuff going on when you take it at face value, even the writing to a certain extent, and extremely dumb characters like Fatman and Vamp as whole they’re more intellectual and tackle serious and relatable world problems and its done in a way that doesn’t ruin the immersion or compromise the gameplay. Kojima is a master at trying to incorporate players into the game as much as possible.
Not too soon, hell I bought Alien Isolation I don't remember when and I still haven't played it.By the way, when do you plan on playing Uncharted 4?
I think Naughty Dawg fans are certainly the SJWs of gaming. I don't think many people here realize Last Of Us was basically created to please Anita Sarkeesian![]()
Yeah but Joel does everything, like 90% of the killing.
In games like TLOU and Uncharted you should, the narrative is very down to earth and realistic you simply cannot reconcile the fact that they kill 50 people a day, or more, with limited resources, t's retarded.
You can't seriously think you can fix everything with tape, bolts and gears. Those are gameplay elements, they should remain in gameplay, period.
Metal Gear and GTA are surreal, they can get away with that.
But you can read between the lines, not just chug whatever devs say, I know it's a broken record in this thread and I love Kojima, but that's what Kojibros do, isn't it? They just run with whatever favors Kojima.
Well, you're doing that, but against TLOU.
Yeah he said he was an SJW, when the poor nuMales who jumped in the SJW bandwagon thought it actually meant equality and not feminist nazism.
I just pray this SJW ends soon, that's why I'm fully supporting the new DOOM. I'm just glad people are starting to roll their eyes at this ********.
But Snake Eater and MGS4 aren't simple at all![]()
Nothing in MGS is simple, TLOU, THAT is simple, get from point A to point B in a ****** situation, that's it.
Not too soon, hell I bought Alien Isolation I don't remember when and I still haven't played it.
But I already ordered DOOM![]()
But Ellie doesn't clear any rooms the way Joel does, there are not big fire fights with Ellie, he doesn't KO anyone, etc etc, it's all sneaking around and taking out a couple people with bow and arrow or knife, it's not even comparable.
John Mcclane doesn't kill 50 people a day not even in his most crazy movies, neither does indiana Jones, and they don't regenerate health either. Nathan Drake does, Joel does, there's no comparison.
Yeah, you can sometimes not trust the creator of an IP on what he says about his IP. Case in point, the Legend of Korra dudes.
No that's not what I mean by Kojibro, I don't think I explained myself well enough, but anyway, it's not that you're not backing up your argument with the creator, it's that you're treating Ellie like she's female Thor in terms of pandering, when she's the farthest from it.
That's exactly what it is in this day and age, even 1st and 2nd wave feminists have divorced themselves form the modern movement.I really don't see what the problem people have with feminism. I think people have the image of the big dyke "screw men" type thing.
Oh you have no idea.Anita really hasn't effected anything negatively.
I'm sure if you sit and talk to Hitler you can agree on something.I do agree she goes a little overboard with some of her arguments but everyone can agree with at least a few of her points.
And even if she was extreme, it takes extreme people or actions to get change made, which normalises.
If you want tie to the story the fact that they kill like 20 enemies per room, you also have to tie the regen health, picking up bolts and tape to fix things, etc etc, because all of that is gameplay, but you shouldn't, because all of that is gameplay, also, Ellie killing a few people IS tied into the story, how else do they survive? There are gonna be occasions when Ellie is going to have to stand her own, what you shouldn't do is take it literally, the fact that Joel kills hundreds of people in this game, and again, Ellie kills nowhere near the amount of people, nor in the same fashion as Joel, whatever Ellie does is probably the most realistic part of the gameplay.
I don't think Ellie is the product of any pandering at all, there's literally no difference between them and Joel, the most excessive character of them all is still Joel, there's nothing wrong with those characters, and this is coming from the biggest SJW/PC hater in these boards.
Yeah, it's clear you're not enjoying it because of the SJW comments, but you really haven't done a good job discrediting that stuff on artistic or narrative basis, and I don't blame you, because those characters and that narrative is nearly perfect.
Of course I only hate it when it hurts the product, that's what SJW pandering is 99% of the time, that's why it's a problem, If it didn't do that I wouldn't hate that ****ing trend so much.
This game, if it has any SJW pandering at all, and considering the dates, it most likely doesn't, is the 1% that doesn't **** **** up.
Where and how do you draw the line then that isn't arbitrary then? You can't, gameplay is gameplay and story is story in cases like these.Why do I have to tie all of that together though? Health Regen or any damage you really take is obviously ignored by the story and cutscenes, but the 100s of dead enemies isn’t, the story doesn’t act like they didn’t exist like your wounds. The story does continue on with no visible damage you might have received in gameplay though. Thats just something you have to accept with almost every game out there. While she isn’t clearing out rooms in the same fashion as Joel, she is doing it relatively close to how Agent 47 or even Snake does![]()
But those ****ers will claim anything they can sink their teeth into.Cmon meng, Ellie is a lesbian teenage girl, with a black girlfriend, who takes out almost an entire town of bad guys, saves the protagonist once or twice, and is featured on the cover of the game, far ahead of the protagonist. Not that theres anything wrong with any of that, but you can’t tell me that theres wasn’t any pandering going on hereTheres plenty of articles written by feminists that love how feminist and LBGT friendly the game is.
You are not reading it correctly, I said you're not doing a good job discrediting that **** on creative/artistic/technical basis, and you are not, but I don't blame you, because the story and characters are near perfect.and you say I’m doing a bad job at explaining even though writer/director basically confirmed most of what I said especially the whole Ellie Winter section, but you don’t believe him eitherI just think you associate pandering to SJWs as something negative and can’t see it being done successfully, where I think it could, even if I don’t like it.
And that's why all of his **** sucks, all of it, **** that ***** whipped ******.But everything Joss Whedon has made in his life basically caters to the SJW crowd, and he’s been doing it since the 90s man.
Where and how do you draw the line then that isn't arbitrary then? You can't, gameplay is gameplay and story is story in cases like these.
There story DOES ignore the amount of enemies you kill, Joel ****ing kills an army.
Hell, I take what I said about GTA back, they DO ignore all the **** you do in the story, ALL OF IT.
Also, no, Ellie isn't doing it in in the same fashion as 47 or Snake, not even close, c'moon, you have to know what you're saying is bogus.
She ****ing jumps on a COUPLE guys, with knife in hand, she's not overpowering any of them, she's not choking any of them, she's not KOing any of them and certainly not even close to the body count of those guys, c'mooon man, not even comparable.
But those ****ers will claim anything they can sink their teeth into.
Besides, the lesbian thing, it was a teenager girl, alone with her friend, did you go to any parties ever?
Like I said, the pandering there, if there's any, and not just pretend for some PR, it's very, VERY well done and doesn't affect the product negatively, which is probably the ONLY game that has EVER done that.
You are not reading it correctly, I said you're not doing a good job discrediting that **** on creative/artistic/technical basis, and you are not, but I don't blame you, because the story and characters are near perfect.
I didn't say you're not backing up your posts, you are backing up your posts with the creator at face value without analyzing anything else, and if you ask me, it's to counter the trend of this thread to hate MGSV and praise TLOU, not because the argument actually holds water.
And no, he actually didn't say anything "feminist" about the Ellie section, he just explained how he shifted the player's expectations.
And I think it could be successful, there's a 1% chance it could, if there was a point, artistry and vision behind it, but then it wouldn't be pandering, would it?
And that's why all of his **** sucks, all of it, **** that ***** whipped ******.
That's what I mean, it's not literal, yeah he OBVIOUSLY killed people, but he didn't kill 200 people in the course of a couple days.I draw the line with what turns up in the cutscenes and dialogue and what doesn’t, the enemies do show up though, just because the game doesn’t mention how many people he killed in totally doesn’t erase the fact we see them show up in cutscenes and all the dialogue before and after enemy confrontations. We’re going in circles with this one.
Well you are drawing literal comparisons to 47 and Snake, you have to know that is bogus man.I think you’re being a little bit to literal with his, of course theres no strong arming men, but she’s still taking dudes out stealthily and arguably more brutal than the other two by basically using stealth to her advantage, like Joel, Snake, and Agent 47 do.
And you've never had 2 straight chicks kiss each other for kicks and giggles?But that friend was also her love interest, which then kinda makes that a lesbian interracial kinda thing. Yea, I tend to party a lot, I think some members in this thread can even confirm that![]()
There you go, they've even complained about the ND games, despite being so SJW (according to you).I don’t know man, I tend to think those feminists complain about whatever they can find, they even complained about some stuff in Uncharted 4 which I think Druckmann commented on. Last of Us zero complaints, you don’t think theres a reason for that?
You are trying to discredit it, by saying the Ellie section and what not was unrealistic and was only there in that way due to the alleged pandering, when the Ellie section was probably the most realistic part of the game, gameplay/death toll-wise.Oh, it was never my intention to discredit the game, which is probably why you think I’m doing a bad job, in fact I’m saying its a great game even though is panders to SJWs, I think this game might be the one percent man.
Huh? He said he had an "awakening" right in the middle of development, judging by the date they were pretty late in development, **** if I believe they reworked everything they had to fit in Ellie and other "pandering" because of that, **** no, they had Ellie and it's beyond obvious that he's just futzing the Sarkessian thing there for some sort of approval, which is sad as ****, no denying that. Because I believe they have strong female characters in their hands without the need to give any credit to that fugly ass hag.But the man literally saids he had an agenda before he even started working on this game, to make a cool female character that girls can look up to. Then I post a whole video on how he dissects everything and gives us his feminist point of view on everything, you choose to not accept, I do because I don’t see what he gains from this, in fact he actually gains a lot of haters by doing this nothing else really.
Most of it.I didn’t mean that he spoke about the winter section specifically, my bad I kinda wrote that wrong, I was writing what he said and I meant it was especially apparent in the Winter section of the game to me, but what he saids about Ellie entirely and basically the ending of her arc. It posted videos with the creator pretty much backing everything I said up, and you don’t believe it which is fine, but I don’t see how you can say my argument doesn’t hold any water considering the source of my information.
So I just want to be clear, you believe everything in that video was just for PR? None of it was true?
I was so happy when the feminists turned against him for that Black Widow thing which actually gave some depth to the character.No argument here, Whedon stuff isn’t my cup of tea![]()
thisMGS V is overrated.
That's what I mean, it's not literal, yeah he OBVIOUSLY killed people, but he didn't kill 200 people in the course of a couple days.
Well you are drawing literal comparisons to 47 and Snake, you have to know that is bogus man.
More brutal? No. Stealth is the opposite of brutal.
Agaaaaaaaaaain, it's not even anywhere near close being the same body count as Joel, 47, or Snake, which that alone makes the comparison completely nonsensical and non sequitur, she doesn't overpower then, she doesn't take them head on, she doesn't KO anyone, she has to use her small size and TOOLs to kill a FEW people in the game (compared to the characters you mention). So no, there's nothing even remotely unrealistic about Ellie when compared to the rest of her context, not. a. thing.
And you've never had 2 straight chicks kiss each other for kicks and giggles?
Plus, they only have each other, it's a natural development.
There you go, they've even complained about the ND games, despite being so SJW (according to you).
But they also claim whatever they can, rightfully or not. They're cannibalistic like that.
You are trying to discredit it, by saying the Ellie section and what not was unrealistic and was only there in that way due to the alleged pandering, when the Ellie section was probably the most realistic part of the game, gameplay/death toll-wise.
That and the Tess stuff.
Huh? He said he had an "awakening" right in the middle of development, judging by the date they were pretty late in development, **** if I believe they reworked everything they had to fit in Ellie and other "pandering" because of that, **** no, they had Ellie and it's beyond obvious that he's just futzing the Sarkessian thing there for some sort of approval, which is sad as ****, no denying that. Because I believe they have strong female characters in their hands without the need to give any credit to that fugly ass hag.
Most of it.
For instance, his interpretation of the ending of Ellie's arc is forced as ****, no ****ing way Ellie is thinking "yeah I'm gonna be independent in this post-apocalyptic world", that's just retarded as **** manc'mon.
Which then leads you to doubt everything else.
I was so happy when the feminists turned against him for that Black Widow thing which actually gave some depth to the character.
I hope he learned his lesson to not pander to those people.