Re: Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain
I wish he would do the last thing Lucas did, step away.
I wish he would do the last thing Lucas did, step away.
The mark of a good story-teller, is someone who leaves questions unanswered, and allows the audience to fill in the gaps themselves. MGS 4 had documented Big Boss's life very well, and there wasn't a need to further explore every nook and cranny in his altercation with The Patriots. Peace Walker was a completely unnecessary chapter in the overall scheme of things, and we can guess that the same might be true for MGS V.
With that said, I would have welcomed the remakes of MG 1 and 2 right after MGS 4, without having to jump through all of these hoops just to get there.
Which is why I love MGS2 so much despite it notoriety among fans. There was so much subtext, and most of what was going on on-screen was not meant to be taken literally. I hated the fact Koji tried to answer the lingering questions of MGS2, it demystifies the allure of MGS2, which was why I love the game the most in the first place.
I hated Snake took a back seat to Raiden in it. But as you said, the whole underlining scheme I loved. I remember when Johnson is telling Raiden about the Patriots, it was chilling... then you come to find out there just dumb AIs who never make an appearance in the game outside of artwork... and there is never an explanation on how they even give orders to people...
So basically Koji is saying "If Lucas can do it, so can I"?
Which is why I love MGS2 so much despite it notoriety among fans. There was so much subtext, and most of what was going on on-screen was not meant to be taken literally. I hated the fact Koji tried to answer the lingering questions of MGS2, it demystifies the allure of MGS2, which was why I love the game the most in the first place.
I hated Snake took a back seat to Raiden in it. But as you said, the whole underlining scheme I loved. I remember when Johnson is telling Raiden about the Patriots, it was chilling... then you come to find out there just dumb AIs who never make an appearance in the game outside of artwork... and there is never an explanation on how they even give orders to people...
Yeah, it's hard for me to buy the fact that everything is caused by A.Is. It's like Koji didn't had the guts to juts put the blame on some government, fictional or otherwise. That would be much more realistic. Since Koji was so intent on explaining everything, just how did the A.I communicated with people and stayed dominant without arousing suspicion anyway?
Anyway, never mind me. How do I post visitor messages and why can't I seem to delete my post ONLY at the videogames section? HELP!!
I agree. It would have been a master-stroke by Kojima, if he had just left the storyline of The Patriots to MGS 2, and not elaborate on it in MGS 4. In other words, have The Patriots remain as a mysterious, eternally lasting, and sinister presence in the world - instead of just a bunch of AI satellites orbiting the Earth.
I'm suddenly reminded of The Walking Dead. Robert Kirkman has no intention of ever mentioning the reasons behind the zombie outbreak, because doing so would destroy the horror aspect of the series. And because he didn't elaborate on it, the fans are able to formulate their own ideas, and generate countless amounts of debate and argument.
Kojima can certainly learn a thing (or two) from other storytellers. If you want to create a memorable storyline, just leave some things open-ended, and have the audience reach their own conclusions. Doing so would spur discussions for years to come (on the net, in books, in academia, you name it).
With that said, I think MGS should have been finished already, as the series was already decimated by MGS 4.
I think The Patriots should have been left alone, have the storyline focus on just focus Snake and Ocelot (or Liquid). And none of that role-reversal nonsense, that turned Ocelot into the secret good-guy, and Snake into the main villain of the series.
Anyway, the whole Ocelot playing as Liquid thing really has no baring on the situation and was basically stuck in there because Liquid is Snake's arch rival and was killed off too quickly from the series... so that was his only way to include him.
Some really lame 'out of the box' thinking right there
It was a pretty lame cop out having the ghost of liquid or pysch, whatever in his arm but to then do all what you mentioned only to arrive at the big reveal and that he actually was just faking it...
Cool story kojibro
Kojibro is definitely a new term I'm using. And it was such a piss poor conclusion for Ocelot, to be this idiotic fake medium to just have Liquid in it![]()
The Phantom Painis