Re: Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain
Ughhhhh... I can't get used to that face on Big Boss
Ughhhhh... I can't get used to that face on Big Boss

I do alright.
You got a problem against studly men, Gasper?
I'd think the entire storyline for Ground Zeroes takes place in the event of one night. Right from where Big Boss goes in to rescue Paz and Chico, to the point where he returns to Mother Base, to find that while he was gone, it was decimated by XOF.
Considering that the price for GZ is only $20, it's going to be a really short chapter.
Cheers solidus![]()
No Kaz? why No Kaz!?!?! WHY![]()
oh thats right.. no one played Peace Walker..
By the way, at the end of the English trailer it was revealed that BB rescued the wrong hostage, in other words it wasn't Chico. There ya go, genius tactician with an I.Q of 180 folks.![]()
Hope it's not canon to the plot.