Bye Kiva number 2.or Kiva number 3...
Well, I don't think it's intentional, but inadvertently, you constantly instigate arguments and derailed this thread. It's been like that since you first showed up and started posting. "Elitist" this, "hipster" that. I'm all for conversation, but like I said, I just can't have one with people who are too closed-minded to listen.
You always criticize us and say how the MGS Forum is a better place. To tell you the truth, I've always wondered why you've stuck around here when you've touted other forums more, and all we do is make you upset.
I don’t know what I ever did to you, but its fine. I met some cool people on here, in fact all of you guys are cool but I don’t want to continue arguing with you guys, especially for dumb reasons. Peace MGSV thread. It was fun while it lasted.
Except plot twist, Solidus and Plissken aren't evil! They have noble intentions. They want to be stopped. Just as Kojima intended. Or somethingWell we have to remember that he's saving the thread. This is what happens every time he saves the thread from the evils of Plissken and Solidus.
There is so much wrong with this post, but it is fine I never dealt with being treated like this by so many people.
Sorry if I don’t like bullying and name calling on here. I try to diffuse thing but you guys just seem bent on ruining this thread. I should just leave this thread forever. I am really considering it. I thought this could be a fun place to talk Metal Gear with some fans but I guess not.
Yeah its pointless Pturtle,bunch of straight up *****es in here,crybaby *****es. Some of them have no life. Take Solidus for example. Dudes at a bar and instead of finding himself a chick or dude if thats his thing,hes on here runnin his mouth trying to be whitty or funny smh get a life BRO! Do you really want to be a 40yr old virgin? and that goes for the rest of you talking down on turtle. At least hes contributing to the topic at hand.
Edit: Great now Pturtle is gone. Thanks and **** yall.
You never bring anything to a discussion except to troll and insult when you have an opening - because you have some kind of personal grudge with some of the members here. Keep fanning the flames man.
And FYI, it's never a good idea to pick up chicks at a bar. They only act interested in you because they want free drinks. It's pretty much a fact.
You never bring anything to a discussion except to troll and insult when you have an opening - because you have some kind of personal grudge with some of the members here. Keep fanning the flames man.
And FYI, it's never a good idea to pick up chicks at a bar. They only act interested in you because they want free drinks. It's pretty much a fact.
Yeah its pointless Pturtle,bunch of straight up *****es in here,crybaby *****es. Some of them have no life. Take Solidus for example. Dudes at a bar and instead of finding himself a chick or dude if thats his thing,hes on here runnin his mouth trying to be whitty or funny smh get a life BRO! Do you really want to be a 40yr old virgin? and that goes for the rest of you talking down on turtle. At least hes contributing to the topic at hand.
Edit: Great now Pturtle is gone. Thanks and **** yall.