Forgot about this for some reason. When I went to TRU to get the game, they hadn't even put it out 2pm. I was looking for it and so was another guy, both had to go up and ask for a copy (ps4 and xbox one). After that we waited while they looked around (2 people) and after about 5 minutes or so someone i worked with came by asking what I was looking for. Told him and right away he told the workers where they were located. After that one of the guys was like "let me just check to see if we can sell it, if it has a street date then we can't sell it."
After all was said and done me and the other guy made our purchases ($26.-- total + $10gc) I told the my ex coworker, "you know when i worked electronics the first thing i did on a release day was have the new product out."
Just a quick story of me getting this game. Also TRU not only has a $10 promo for this game, they have a 10% coupon for games online to print as well.