Media Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain & Ground Zeroes

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WTF! My copy of GZ arrived today but my seller accidentally gave me the PS4 version! FFFUUUCCCCKKKK! :mad::slap

That seriously ****ing blows man, what an idiot to do that to you.


It's not good that a demo is doing so well in sales :lol. Kojima has set a terrible precedent, that other developers may soon follow.

People ***** enough about DLC, but somehow this is different to people :lol
Yeah it sucks big time, brother. I'm so frustrated. All I wanted was to run away from the family gathering and now I'm stuck with a stupid copy of a stupid game that I was stupid enough to buy. ARGHHH!!
Digital copies are becoming more appealing to me lately, and I've always been hardcore with getting physical copies. You get the game immediately, and you don't ever have to worry about losing or breaking the disc.

Was it from eBay Ryan?
Nah, it's from a local online retailer. I guess his staff must have screwed up as I've never had issues with this seller before. It doesn't help that the MH370 debacle probably contributed to the games' delay here.

And my disc seems to be rattling.. just what are PS4 cases are made of? Should I open it? :lol
The only physical copies I would buy are games that I'm really invested into getting. I would get the physical copy of this based on the fact I own the rest of them in that format.
The only physical copies I would buy are games that I'm really invested into getting. I would get the physical copy of this based on the fact I own the rest of them in that format.

Yeah, I think I have TONS of digital games in my PS3 alone. I'm fine with a all games going digital someday, so long as we can keep them indefinitely. Besides, with your ever expanding collection of awesomeness Plis, I can't even imagine where your keep you games anymore.

Besides, physical games don't even have manuals anymore.
Yeah, I think I have TONS of digital games in my PS3 alone. I'm fine with a all games going digital someday, so long as we can keep them indefinitely. Besides, with your ever expanding collection of awesomeness Plis, I can't even imagine where your keep you games anymore.

Besides, physical games don't even have manuals anymore.

Manuals have become embarrassingly thin, barely even a pamphlet. My game collection isn't very large, I barely even buy games anymore to tell you the truth.
I've started to buy less and less.

Between my friends, we just rotate our games so i maybe buy a game and once i've done i borrow it my mate and i borrow some of his games he's already bought that i was maybe thinking of getting myself.

Works perfectly, and if it's a game you really want you'll buy it anyway.
Most games are paper thin, and are just easy cash ins. All console generations have gotten those. The last game I considered getting was the last DBZ game, but I played the demo and it was BAD.
They just aren't that exciting anymore.

There's hasn't been a game in long time where i've though damn that is an instabuy. Even the beloved MGS
Yeah I don't even think it's age making our love of games become thin, I just think there isn't quality games anymore.

The Last of Us left me in awe, but there was a dead zone of bull **** games before it for me.
I haven't even played TLOA as i don't have a PS3 anymore

I'll get around to it one day when i can

There is a game that's definitely intriguing me actually come to think of it - The Evil Within looks promising
I have always been a big fan of Silent Hill and the survival horror genre.

There's something about being scared while playing a videogame that is appealing :cuckoo::lol
Arkham Knight is the reason I'm getting a PS4, and I'll buy whatever Collector's Edition they'll throw at me. Finally, something I truly go nuts for. :lol
I have always been a big fan of Silent Hill and the survival horror genre.

There's something about being scared while playing a videogame that is appealing :cuckoo::lol

Few games scare me, SH was one of them.

Ever play the Fatal Frame series? Hands down has got to be the most terrifying games ever.

Arkham Knight is the reason I'm getting a PS4, and I'll buy whatever Collector's Edition they'll throw at me. Finally, something I truly go nuts for. :lol

Arkham Knight has got me so excited for next gen.
I never owned it, only played it a bit at a friends back in the day. I'd totally forgot about it to be honest with you.

Does it still hold up today? like is it playable if i were to buy it

Arkham Knight is what I'll be getting a PS4 for

Few games scare me, SH was one of them.

Ever play the Fatal Frame series? Hands down has got to be the most terrifying games ever.