Media Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain & Ground Zeroes

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I love how so many people criticize GZ for using the abuse of Paz as the only driving force for Big Boss's revenge. Did they not realize that Skull Face was also responsible for the destruction of Mother Base, and the death of many MSF soldiers? Skull Face shattered Big Boss's dreams of a soldier nation. Do these authors really think that the abuse of Paz (Who infiltrated MSF, and betrays Big Boss) impacts Big Boss MORE than the rest?

I miss the days when video game reporters were "one of us", and didn't just jump on whatever agenda is popular at the time. A true sign that video games have made it to the popular media level these days.
I love how so many people criticize GZ for using the abuse of Paz as the only driving force for Big Boss's revenge. Did they not realize that Skull Face was also responsible for the destruction of Mother Base, and the death of many MSF soldiers? Skull Face shattered Big Boss's dreams of a soldier nation. Do these authors really think that the abuse of Paz (Who infiltrated MSF, and betrays Big Boss) impacts Big Boss MORE than the rest?

Read the comment section? She is getting ripped apart :lol

She made some really bad arguments that make me question if she has ever played a Metal Gear game.

I agree with you, all of that is what really has him pissed, hell, in the intro cutscene, Big Boss was asking Kaz if he should kill her.
It just adds to his motives...

It is both, but the main reason for Big Boss’ transition to the “dark side” has to do with his soldiers, and mother base being destroyed, and he loses 9 years of his life.

That and how they treated the Boss, I hope are the main reasons for him loosing his ****.

Ground Zeroes debuts at number 2 in the UK, only behind the new Infamous. Seems pretty good.

With the amount of games next gen consoles have right now, doesn't say much :lol
That and how they treated the Boss, I hope are the main reasons for him loosing his ****.

With the amount of games next gen consoles have right now, doesn't say much :lol

I think it is, because while there isn’t many games out right now, it still came out around the same time two big console moving games released. It sold more than TitanFall did, and thats a game every Xbox owner has to have.

I’m interested to see how it did in the states though.
WTF! My copy of GZ arrived today but my seller accidentally gave me the PS4 version! FFFUUUCCCCKKKK! :mad::slap

Played the game last night and have to say that this games is amazing. The Phantom Pain can't come soon enough.

Kojima knew what he was doing releasing this. The Phantom Pain might be my most anticipated game ever.

So you got the PS4 version and didn't pay extra :lol I say stick with it, you'll get a PS4 eventually won't you?

And you saved $10 :lol

I think the PS3 version is the same price for a hard copy. Could be wrong though.
Y'know what guys, I'll just keep this and buy the digital version. If I find a someone who would like to take it off my hands, I'll do that too.
It's not good that a demo is doing so well in sales :lol. Kojima has set a terrible precedent, that other developers may soon follow.

Y'know what guys, I'll just keep this and buy the digital version. If I find a someone who would like to take it off my hands, I'll do that too.

Man... your game's still sealed. You should sell it on EBay.
It's not good that a demo is doing so well in sales :lol. Kojima has set a terrible precedent, that other developers may soon follow.

Man... your game's still sealed. You should sell it on EBay.

F-this game. It's just getting too frustrating. All I wanted was a Pepsi! :mad:
God damn it I caved in and bought it.
It was only £23 on PS4 in our local sainsburys (same price as PS3 version) and I was bored.

5 hours in and I'm still having fun. All missions complete apart from the one where you have to identify the informant.
Only done a few tasks like all XOF patches, all logos etc and only 30% completed.
Need to do the tapes also which I am really enjoying listening to although a few are a bit cringe worthy.

Not worth the price but most definitely worth a blast.
Worse thing about this game is it has me so impatient about the Phantom Pain. GIMME!