I have no idea what an AM Rifle type 69 is but the Marine Corps has never used it or had it as their standard issue rifle.
Ugh... that sounds ridiculous

I have no idea what an AM Rifle type 69 is but the Marine Corps has never used it or had it as their standard issue rifle.
Exactly, it just reinforces my thought that this prologue was just a way to get back the cost of the FOX engine.Agreed. And do you remember that MSF soldier who got shot in the face near the chopper? They could have shown him in a cut-scene, given him a name, and have him help out Big Boss and Kaz with something. It would have really added more to the ending. I guess it goes back to my point in how I felt that Mother Base was practically an afterthought in this game compared to other themes. Kojima could have done so much more, by just going an extra mile to flesh things out just a bit more.
Can I just say that it bothers me that next to none of the guns in GZ are accurate and most are not even real guns. Its usually not that big of a deal in games but after how amazing MGS4 was about that its sort of disappointing to me.
I never even realized that there were fantasy guns in this game. MGS 4 did have a few (like the Solar Gun), but it was more for novelty than anything else.
As far as I remember, they never get the guns right in MGS, I've read a couple articles of why the FAMAS would have not been the weapon of choice of anyone during the MGS1 timeline![]()
They seem to be just made up hybrids of some sort.
It doesn't bother me though.
MGS4 is like gun porn sometimes. The way Snake takes apart the M4 with the magazine when he first meets Drebin just like they are designed to do in real life, when Otacon surprises Snake with a the MK11 Snake triggers his AK safety and it works the way it does in real life. Even down to the PMC groups using Scars for their main weapon makes sense because at the time everyone thought it was going to be the standard and replace the M16/M4 platform.
Nice, I love the attention to detail with that. I'll have to rewatch those scenes when I replay MGS 4.
But we're talking that MGS1 occurred in 2005, by that time the FAMAS was very outdated.MGS4 is like gun porn sometimes. The way Snake takes apart the M4 with the magazine when he first meets Drebin just like they are designed to do in real life, when Otacon surprises Snake with a the MK11 Snake triggers his AK safety and it works the way it does in real life. Even down to the PMC groups using Scars for their main weapon makes sense because at the time everyone thought it was going to be the standard and replace the M16/M4 platform.
Granted the US military never used the FAMAS it is still a real gun unlike any of the guns in Ground Zeroes. They chose the FAMAS for a lot of the same reasons the chose the Scar in MGS4 (see above) but also because it was easy to animate on the PS1 and still looks like a typical video game gun but its real.
But we're talking that MGS1 occurred in 2005, by that time the FAMAS was very outdated.
Well, in their defense, the guns in GZ aren't real so they can do whatever they want with them![]()
That I noticed, I'm not a big gun fan, I'm also not oblivious to them, and MGS4 felt really technical in the way they used the guns, the various stances to hold a gun and shoot, it was really cool.
There is more too I just cant remember them right now. ALl of the descriptions in the weapons menu are spot on mini wikis about them too. I only wish they implemented a jamming system or something because a lot of the weapons were sort of useless when you had ten spares that did the same thing.
The FAMAS is certainly not outdated. Its still used by the French military to this day. Its much younger than the M16 and that thing is still the most widely used weapon around.
I had no idea the Military File existed.... thanks man.
Hmmm interesting, answer me this, since you're so knowledgeable, I always had the feeling that PW had a crazy amount of weapon combinations and customs, and some of them didn't even feel they were real, where they accurate?
More or less. I dont really remember many of the weapons in that game because I mainly used the tranq and CQC, but to my recollection they were era appropriate and as detailed as one would expect out of the PSP.
Nice, wouldn't be surprised if some of them weren't real though.
I just skimmed through the wiki at the weapons. For the main guns the Hush Puppy, 1911, FAL, M16, C96, AK47 etc are all correct and would have been around during that period. The iffy one i see is the M653 or the M4 in real life that wouldn't have been around until the late 80s or 90s. There are some made up ones (as always) like the EZ gun for example.
I just skimmed through the wiki at the weapons. For the main guns the Hush Puppy, 1911, FAL, M16, C96, AK47 etc are all correct and would have been around during that period. The iffy one i see is the M653 or the M4 in real life that wouldn't have been around until the late 80s or 90s. There are some made up ones (as always) like the EZ gun for example.