Media Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain & Ground Zeroes

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It's funny how Volgin is the only villain in MGS with no redeeming qualities or even a tragic past to speak of :lol. I can't see Skull Face going down that route, because it was shown in GZ that he's fueled by revenge and has a bone to pick with Zero and Big Boss. It's clearly conjecture on my part too, from what I started before on the "redemption" thing. It could also be the case that Kojima would want to show that "demons" can't be redeemed :dunno.

I really do hope that article wasn't shopped :lol. Just for the hilarity that if someone got so bent out of shape about GZ that it made the news.
It was obvious they wanted Big Boss to find the first bomb and be fooled by the second which did the trick.
I quite dig the whole scenario. Kind of played like Foxdie, dispatch by indirect contact with a hidden device.
The way it was removed was part and parcel.

And the location of the second bomb made sense. Put it where they wouldn't think of looking.

The rape thing in the tapes was a bit weird along with the Strangelove thing. Parts of it came across like there was a translation problem.

So far I'm liking what I'm seeing. Too many soppy games out there too afraid to do this or say that.
It's interesting how this one ending has the fan opinions split right down the middle. I wonder if Kojima did it intentionally for that reason... sort of a way to stir up controversy.
Hey I'm just happy to play some Metal Gear.
I don't go into them expecting this or think too much about that. I just ride it out. Like Paz. Did I go there? I think I did. But it's ok I'm back now. Bugger, I went back there.
Sorry for coming into this argument a bit late but I felt like the guns being fantasy was a way to incorporate all the wacky technological advances like the idroid (or whatever it was called) into the timeline.

Apologies for the triple posts. I know, I'm lazy.

I also go my first S-rank in a Metal Gear Solid game. Felt good.
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I respectfully disagree, I seriously disagree with all my heart, this guy is good sometimes but he also thinks that Resident Evil somehow doesn't make sense... :dunno and he plays Metal Gear... and he tries to make sense of it... see how weird is that? :lol

Anyway... he is the only one that talks seriously about this game and he brings some real and intresting points unlike the other reviews, his comments are not "hollow" I give him that.

(damn, I didn't know Camp Omega looked so much like Delta Base :horror)

It just boils down to how willing you are to accept that this game is just a super serious Metal Gear PROLOGUE he should wait for TPP and judge both games at the same time

He is too civilized to like Big Boss it seems :lol I'm not like that, I undertand his motives and where he comes from and I feel for the guy, and I've spent entire days loving and taking care of Mother Base, GZ end was short but it meant something to me. He thinks that Big Boss is unlikeable just because he is a mercenary this guy takes paficism to a whole new level, he can't see beyond the obvious its like he can't put himself in BB's place... he doesn't have much empathy, the things he said about him... he is the first person I've ever heard saying something like that about Big Boss, he is just too tied up with today's socially accepted perceptions of good and evil... I hope he doesn't play TPP, I don't think he would want to anyway

Wholeheartedly disagree with that guy.

GZ does tackle those issues with a sensible tact, as much as it's permitted by the issues themselves, not only that, the story flows naturally and logically, as far as I know Chico didn't get the tendons or cartilage slit, so he should be able to barely and painfully stand up, he just can't run with those nails/staples in his feet.

The ending of PW wasn't secret and it didn't need "hard grinding for days" :slap, I'll be damned if it took me more than 1 hour to find Zadornov... Also, he used the monster hunter levels as example in reductio ad absurdum of PW's tone, while PW's tone was cartoony, the monster hunter levels were 10x more over the top and needless to say, they weren't canon.

The tapes don't give you the main information you need to know about the game, you can play the game and know the important information through the main campaign both in PW and in GZ, tons of extra information was hidden in the tapes, yet nothing essential, TLOU and Arkham do the exact same thing in form of tapes, notes and stuff.

Listening tapes while playing didn't feel like it hindered my skill, I was listening to the tapes on my second run of GZ and I got my 1st S rank, yeah, the ambient sound gets drowned as it should happen when wearing ear plugs, but I just put a little extra care on where I looked, that's it, made me feel like a badass veteran doing a mission while listening stuff with my ear plugs... But it seems that guy wants everything spoon fed to him, I bet my *** he never played the old Thief games the way he speaks, it's like playing a game is too damn tiresome for him.

"You have to unlock that through gameplay"..... ugh, today's gaming generation.

It can't be an anachronism because it's a fictional base based on a real base, not the real base itself, which allows to stretch those perceptions, there are real anachronisms but they're minor like the iDroid and such and those don't bother me at all.

>"A lot of this stuff seems like it will be explained in TPP, so GZ doesn't stand on it's own."


Yes GZ is supposed to be the inciting incident, so?

BB is supposed to turn into a villain, that's what everybody is expecting, you can root for villains or feel fascinated by them, that's ok.

"Ours is a society that murders the innocent" is not directed at BB, I find it clear that it's directed at Chico and maybe even at Skullface, they're both immigrants, it could even be just directed at Skullface, but clearly not at BB.

"BB is not innocent".............. Well, good. :dunno

And he keeps saying "nucular" :lol

Nope, it was a no no for me.

If anything, he made it easier to cement and understand the notion that GZ does work imo




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Just watched the Kojima Station Episode 2 and seems like the new composer Ludvig Forssell was trying to hard to be funny. This is the first MGS game where I find the music to be underwhelming and unremarkable, save the triumphant track where you extract Paz and the MGS1 Encounter remix. The heck happened to the old composers?
Harry is involved in TPP I'm almost certain the music won't suck

How does the storyline flow "naturally and logically", when it's the darkest game in the series that's a sequel to the most cartoony and PG-13 game in the series? :dunno I don't agree with him on everything, but I can at least appreciate that he touched on one other point that I was making in this thread - and that was in concern to Paz's torture and rape that never hit home to me as something sensible and tasteful in its delivery. Especially in regards that a 13 year old boy was forced to rape a grown woman. Instead of advancing the plot-line, it seems to me that, it was just there to show that Kojima could do it for the sake of just doing it - "hey, look guyz, I'm gonna put dark stuff like torture and rape in here, cuz I can!" LULZ!!!.

But, I find myself being strongly sympathetic to Big Boss, especially considering the evil men in the CIA like Hot Coldman that he has had to deal with. So, if Big Boss wanted to burn documents, hide ZEKE (which was developed using secret American-made weapons) and trick the world while keeping his profiteering business alive - then he should go right ahead and do it. His conversation to Huey was actually one of my favorite scenes in Ground Zeroes.

On that note, I thought that Metal Gear Solid has always worked well in its own fictional, self-contained politics - like with George Sears, The Patriots, etc. But, the one thing that has always disturbed me to an extent, is Koijma's naive take on the real-world stuff. I never really thought about it much for Ground Zeroes, because I was mainly focused on the price arguments and how the game fits into the series canon. But, speaking for myself as a New Yorker (whom 9/11 hit very close to home), I don't want terrorists anywhere near my city, my state, or my country. Enemy combatants driven by warped religious (or political) ideology of genocide and the destruction of a nation, deserve to be locked away in "black sites" without due process or constitutional liberties. There's a reason for why places like Gitmo exist - and that's to keep these murdering bastards safely locked away and isolated thousands of miles away from a society where they can do harm.

I think I also mentioned this before, and I'm surprised that the guy in the video overlooked this. But, for Sacco and Vanzetti, later evidence has shown strong support that they were indeed guilty of their crimes. Upton Sinclair who was their staunchest supporter (and a big figure in the American progressive left) wrote letters that voiced his doubts about the men's innocence. In one of his letters, he even met with their lawyer, who discussed in great detail about how the two carried out their crimes. But, he was more concerned about about the profit from selling his book "Boston", which served as a propaganda piece for bolstering the martyrdom of the two. He was also worried about the safety of his own life, if he were branded as a traitor to the Anarchist cause.

And I guess I should just copy-and-paste this from Wikipedia to show the type of criminals that these two "innocent men" - Sacco and Vanzetti cavorted with:

But yeah, "Here's to you", Kojima-san :lol :slap.

I don't feel like going point by point so I'll just say I agree with some things you said :duff but hey... I thought Nicola and Bart never ever held a gun or anything... :dunno but I didn't know much about them anyway

No historian has more closely examined the evidence in the Sacco-Vanzetti case than Francis Russell. Like most intellectuals of the time, Russell entered into his research assuming that both Sacco and Vanzetti were innocent. Decades of studying the transcript, examining physical evidence, and interviewing those close to the case convinced Russell that his initial assumption was half-wrong: Vanzetti was innocent, but Sacco was guilty


And This:

There are different opinions about them it seems, either way Dukakis formally recognized that they were judged because they were anarchists and immigrants without any real proof against them

Yup, there should a big disclaimer at the beginning that says "all social and political references and ideals portrayed and applied in this work of fiction serve only to dramatic representations and should no be mistaken for propaganda" or something, to reduce the damage :lol

I don't know about SF, many of the worst criminals have a motive for their actions, their twisted interpretation of retribution and justice is what makes them villains, even if they end up being redeemed.

Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk


Even then, just because a lot of MGS villains get redeemed, it doesn't mean all of them do, so you're not wrong for saying that Skull Face may not get any redemption at all. Liquid may have been a victim of The Patriots, but he was still shown as having a very twisted mentality in his plans (even more so than Big Boss). Solidus may have had good intentions, but his brutality was communicated well enough as Raiden's chief tormentor and as someone who employed the use of child soldiers. And most of all, there's Volgin, that guy got no such thing yet he was still a pretty entertaining and memorable enough villain. For all we know Skull Face might be treated the same way as Volgin, except possibly done a little more seriously (though the cowboy theme is already indicating a certain gimmick/motif with his character).

That said, if Skull Face DOES get redeemed, it's also possible that the narrative is simply about Big Boss putting himself down on the same level as he is and not necessarily about how we justify our actions in light of Skull Face's heinous acts (so the whole point is reversed, it's not about Skull Face's villainy but rather it's about how Big Boss develops as a "bad guy"). That alone can work in paving the way for Big Boss' path to villainy ("I'm already a demon."), where he takes things too far, enough for Miller to side with Solid Snake come Outer Heaven. Of course this is all just speculation on my part so we'll never know till the game comes out. :lol

:goodpost::exactly: exactly what I think
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Just watched the Kojima Station Episode 2 and seems like the new composer Ludvig Forssell was trying to hard to be funny. This is the first MGS game where I find the music to be underwhelming and unremarkable, save the triumphant track where you extract Paz and the MGS1 Encounter remix. The heck happened to the old composers?

But I can't get that damn "Here's to you" song out of my damn head!!!!!

Harry is involved in TPP I'm almost certain the music won't suck

Harry Gregson-Williams only works on the games' cinematics, he never does the in-game or menu music.

MGS1 had an in house Konami team. Ghost Babel, MGS2 and MGS3 were done by Norihiko Hibino, and his involvement was mitigated in MPO and MGS4 and left Konami alltogether around that time. The other games had experienced in-house composers (MGA/MPO/PW) but this new composer has nothing under his belt and no disrespect to the guy, but I hope he's not doing TPP.

But I can't get that damn "Here's to you" song out of my damn head!!!!!


That's a licensed song, unlike "Sins of the Father" which is an original song composed for the game. I was mainly referring to the sneaking/alert/caution music. It's pretty weak unfortunately.
Harry Gregson-Williams only works on the games' cinematics, he never does the in-game or menu music.

MGS1 had an in house Konami team. Ghost Babel, MGS2 and MGS3 were done by Norihiko Hibino, and his involvement was mitigated in MPO and MGS4 and left Konami alltogether around that time. The other games had experienced in-house composers (MGA/MPO/PW) but this new composer has nothing under his belt and no disrespect to the guy, but I hope he's not doing TPP.

...I've only seen his face and I was like, NOPE :lol btw in my opinion there wasn't a really memorable alert theme after MGS2, I'm still hoping for something good like Tanker Incident or Encounter some day.... :pray:

THIS is good stuff
...I've only seen his face and I was like, NOPE :lol but in my opinion there wasn't a really memorable alert theme after MGS2, I'm still hoping for something good like Tanker Incident or Encounter some day.... :pray:

He played the bandaged Joking Morgan in those fake trailers.

I love the music in MGS1,2,3 and Ghost Babel the most compared to the other games in the series. Next would be Rising. :rock
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Harry Gregson-Williams only works on the games' cinematics, he never does the in-game or menu music.

MGS1 had an in house Konami team. Ghost Babel, MGS2 and MGS3 were done by Norihiko Hibino, and his involvement was mitigated in MPO and MGS4 and left Konami alltogether around that time. The other games had experienced in-house composers (MGA/MPO/PW) but this new composer has nothing under his belt and no disrespect to the guy, but I hope he's not doing TPP.

That's a licensed song, unlike "Sins of the Father" which is an original song composed for the game. I was mainly referring to the sneaking/alert/caution music. It's pretty weak unfortunately.

The game played like you had the music on mute with only the sound effects coming through the speakers.
Edit: mixed up my dates

Phantom Pain release-

PS3: Nov 28th 2014
ps4: July 25th 2014
xbone: July 26th 2014

I dont know if any of these are true but it seems to be pre order release dates in the UK. Why such a huge push back for ps3?