How does the storyline flow "naturally and logically", when it's the darkest game in the series that's a sequel to the most cartoony and PG-13 game in the series?

I don't agree with him on everything, but I can at least appreciate that he touched on one other point that I was making in this thread - and that was in concern to Paz's torture and rape that never hit home to me as something sensible and tasteful in its delivery. Especially in regards that a 13 year old boy was forced to rape a grown woman. Instead of advancing the plot-line, it seems to me that, it was just there to show that Kojima could do it for the sake of just doing it - "hey, look guyz, I'm gonna put dark stuff like torture and rape in here, cuz I can!" LULZ!!!.
But, I find myself being strongly sympathetic to Big Boss, especially considering the evil men in the CIA like Hot Coldman that he has had to deal with. So, if Big Boss wanted to burn documents, hide ZEKE (which was developed using secret American-made weapons) and trick the world while keeping his profiteering business alive - then he should go right ahead and do it. His conversation to Huey was actually one of my favorite scenes in Ground Zeroes.
On that note, I thought that Metal Gear Solid has always worked well in its own fictional, self-contained politics - like with George Sears, The Patriots, etc. But, the one thing that has always disturbed me to an extent, is Koijma's naive take on the real-world stuff. I never really thought about it much for Ground Zeroes, because I was mainly focused on the price arguments and how the game fits into the series canon. But, speaking for myself as a New Yorker (whom 9/11 hit very close to home), I don't want terrorists anywhere near my city, my state, or my country. Enemy combatants driven by warped religious (or political) ideology of genocide and the destruction of a nation, deserve to be locked away in "black sites" without due process or constitutional liberties.
There's a reason for why places like Gitmo exist - and that's to keep these murdering bastards safely locked away and isolated thousands of miles away from a society where they can do harm.
I think I also mentioned this before, and I'm surprised that the guy in the video overlooked this. But, for Sacco and Vanzetti, later evidence has shown strong support that they were indeed guilty of their crimes. Upton Sinclair who was their staunchest supporter (and a big figure in the American progressive left) wrote letters that voiced his doubts about the men's innocence. In one of his letters, he even met with their lawyer, who discussed in great detail about how the two carried out their crimes. But, he was more concerned about about the profit from selling his book "Boston", which served as a propaganda piece for bolstering the martyrdom of the two. He was also worried about the safety of his own life, if he were branded as a traitor to the Anarchist cause.
And I guess I should just copy-and-paste this from Wikipedia to show the type of criminals that these two "innocent men" - Sacco and Vanzetti cavorted with:
But yeah, "Here's to you", Kojima-san
