Agreed. I think Ishmael is real as well. It's probably way too soon in the game for Psycho Mantis to do some kind of trippy mindtricks at that point in the game. I'd love if Kojima went back with a similar design philosophy to MGS2, where a lot wasn't really there and gave way to a bigger message. The idea of Time Paradox returning seems intriguing, and many fans might not notice this, but MGS3 could be interpreted as a VR simulation of Big Boss's mission as mentioned by Otacon in MGS4. I just hope that just like the MGS2 days, we're all missing the bigger picture here. Rape and torture doesn't equate a provocative game.
I know what you mean, but as a nut case who've beaten all the games on Extreme, I honestly can't say if it's better than the old games. It's amazingly crafted, no question, and I've gotten the S-ranks for every normal difficulty and 2 on hard so far. But I think what I love most is the enhanced a.i.
I certainly miss punching people in the groin in first person though.
I.. don't know. The "Beyond the Bounds" dubstep mix that we got as the final cassette tape suddenly gave me an urge o do an S-rank for all the missions.