Media Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain & Ground Zeroes

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Wasn't the person quoting it was never identified? It was the captured MSF soldier who told Big Boss that, if I recall.

Oh, you're right, he was talking to the captured solider, not Chico :slap. But... wasn't it Skull Face? He seems to handle the interrogations by himself at Camp Omega.

I wanna watch 24, are all the seasons available on blu as a complete box set or anything?

Huzzah! :duff. Trust me, you'll love this series. Seasons 7 and 8 were released on Blu Ray, but 1 to 6 are only on DVD. But, all of the seasons and episodes are actually available on Netflix, Amazon Prime and Hulu Plus. So, it'll be cheaper to just pay $19 and take out a subscription for a few months, than buying the entire DVD set :lol.
Y'know what Solidus, it's too much of a coincidence. I still believe that the big twist in the game is that the guy we're playing as is NOT Big Boss- it's the only explanation that makes sense and go above and beyond the simple VA change. Big Boss is uncharacteristically quiet for no reason whatsoever and I think I saw the crazy VR theory where he never casts a shadow in his image and the many illusions to "doubles" in the marketing. Plus who was the person Miller was referring to on the operating table in the TPP trailer? And why does Ishmael has Keifer's voice and has bandages? Could he be the Big Boss we played as in GZ? Oh, and Time Paradox is back for some strange reason.

It could be that the unidentified person who was quoting BB was indeed BB.
Most likely answer would that Kojima just wanted to simulate an Ironic Echo in his writing. It's done in a lot of fiction, some even by two characters that barely even know each other. When implemented on two characters saying the same things, it serves to highlight a similarity or contrast between their views/morals (heck it's practically done in one my most favorite anime film). That said, I have heard some people theorizing that he could possibly border on the supernatural in some way ("Ghost Without A Past").

While the first one seems like the most likely one, this is Kojima so we'll never know till Phantom Pain comes out. Heck it could very well be both (Kojima is making an Ironic Echo AND Skull Face is somewhat supernatural by nature). If all else fails..... NANOMACHINES, SON.

I never heard of "Ironic Echo", that's pretty neat. I was thinking that there's probably some connection between Skull Face and Psycho Mantis if there's anything supernatural going on.

Needless to say, I find the Skull dude very intriguing. He did evil things to Paz and Chico, but I somehow think that the lengths of his brutality - especially towards Paz, was more reactionary to his hatred against Zero. Also, for whatever reason, he wants to kill both Big Boss and Zero, and I've never seen a character in MGS play the middle-ground like that. However, it's probably the case that he's even being used by Zero and doesn't even realize it.

So many questions about this danged game...

Y'know what Solidus, it's too much of a coincidence. I still believe that the big twist in the game is that the guy we're playing as is NOT Big Boss- it's the only explanation that makes sense and go above and beyond the simple VA change. Big Boss is uncharacteristically quiet for no reason whatsoever and I think I saw the crazy VR theory where he never casts a shadow in his image and the many illusions to "doubles" in the marketing. Plus who was the person Miller was referring to on the operating table in the TPP trailer? And why does Ishmael has Keifer's voice and has bandages? Could he be the Big Boss we played as in GZ? Oh, and Time Paradox is back for some strange reason.

It could be that the unidentified person who was quoting BB was indeed BB.

I read the theory last night about GZ being one big VR Mission. There's definitely some odd things going on - and you know something... I've actually gotten excited about MGS again :lol. I think you were right that Kojima has some strange new twist in store for the storyline.

I actually think that Ishmael is a real person, and not a figment of Big Boss's imagination as another theory states. I think it's very likely that it was him on the operating table that Kaz was referring to.
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Anyway, I was bored today so I playfully tried the Hard mode on the GZ mission and I beat the mission in 21 minutes with an S-Rank on my first try! WTF? :rotfl
Anyway, I was bored today so I playfully tried the Hard mode on the GZ mission and I beat the mission in 21 minutes with an S-Rank on my first try! WTF? :rotfl

You know what, I find ground Zeroes the most fun when you use a mix of action and stealth. Although it makes the game way easier the new action mechanics are very fun.

Unlike MGS4 where you had to force stealth on your self to make it any kind if fun. So the new direction of the series is good and bad I guess
I read the theory last night about GZ being one big VR Mission. There's definitely some odd things going on - and you know something... I've actually gotten excited about MGS again :lol. I think you were right that Kojima has some strange new twist in store for the storyline.

I actually think that Ishmael is a real person, and not a figment of Big Boss's imagination as another theory states. I think it's very likely that it was him on the operating table that Kaz was referring to.

Agreed. I think Ishmael is real as well. It's probably way too soon in the game for Psycho Mantis to do some kind of trippy mindtricks at that point in the game. I'd love if Kojima went back with a similar design philosophy to MGS2, where a lot wasn't really there and gave way to a bigger message. The idea of Time Paradox returning seems intriguing, and many fans might not notice this, but MGS3 could be interpreted as a VR simulation of Big Boss's mission as mentioned by Otacon in MGS4. I just hope that just like the MGS2 days, we're all missing the bigger picture here. Rape and torture doesn't equate a provocative game.

You know what, I find ground Zeroes the most fun when you use a mix of action and stealth. Although it makes the game way easier the new action mechanics are very fun.

Unlike MGS4 where you had to force stealth on your self to make it any kind if fun. So the new direction of the series is good and bad I guess

I know what you mean, but as a nut case who've beaten all the games on Extreme, I honestly can't say if it's better than the old games. It's amazingly crafted, no question, and I've gotten the S-ranks for every normal difficulty and 2 on hard so far. But I think what I love most is the enhanced a.i.

I certainly miss punching people in the groin in first person though.

How in the heck... did you just run past all of the soldiers? :lol

I.. don't know. The "Beyond the Bounds" dubstep mix that we got as the final cassette tape suddenly gave me an urge o do an S-rank for all the missions. :rotfl
Agreed. I think Ishmael is real as well. It's probably way too soon in the game for Psycho Mantis to do some kind of trippy mindtricks at that point in the game. I'd love if Kojima went back with a similar design philosophy to MGS2, where a lot wasn't really there and gave way to a bigger message. The idea of Time Paradox returning seems intriguing, and many fans might not notice this, but MGS3 could be interpreted as a VR simulation of Big Boss's mission as mentioned by Otacon in MGS4. I just hope that just like the MGS2 days, we're all missing the bigger picture here. Rape and torture doesn't equate a provocative game.

I know what you mean, but as a nut case who've beaten all the games on Extreme, I honestly can't say if it's better than the old games. It's amazingly crafted, no question, and I've gotten the S-ranks for every normal difficulty and 2 on hard so far. But I think what I love most is the enhanced a.i.

I certainly miss punching people in the groin in first person though.

I.. don't know. The "Beyond the Bounds" dubstep mix that we got as the final cassette tape suddenly gave me an urge o do an S-rank for all the missions. :rotfl

Theres a Volgin demon, flying flaming whale, flaming unicorn, and Mantis is flying, who could possibly be up to all of that? Unless all those things are real, Mantis has to be up to them. I would be shocked if Ishmael turned out to be real.
Psycho Mantis was born in 1975, making him 9 in TPP

I can't remember it word by word by in MGS1 he said he first used his powers properly to burn down his village and his father etc, at a young age.

There doesn't seem to be enough time for Mantis to be a formidable figure against Big Boss at the age he is here, not to mention why would he?

Not sure how Koji is gonna work that timeline out, unless TTP is based over 5-6 years and Mantis is closer to the end of the timeline

Agreed. I think Ishmael is real as well. It's probably way too soon in the game for Psycho Mantis to do some kind of trippy mindtricks at that point in the game. I'd love if Kojima went back with a similar design philosophy to MGS2, where a lot wasn't really there and gave way to a bigger message. The idea of Time Paradox returning seems intriguing, and many fans might not notice this, but MGS3 could be interpreted as a VR simulation of Big Boss's mission as mentioned by Otacon in MGS4. I just hope that just like the MGS2 days, we're all missing the bigger picture here. Rape and torture doesn't equate a provocative game.

I know what you mean, but as a nut case who've beaten all the games on Extreme, I honestly can't say if it's better than the old games. It's amazingly crafted, no question, and I've gotten the S-ranks for every normal difficulty and 2 on hard so far. But I think what I love most is the enhanced a.i.

I certainly miss punching people in the groin in first person though.

I.. don't know. The "Beyond the Bounds" dubstep mix that we got as the final cassette tape suddenly gave me an urge o do an S-rank for all the missions. :rotfl
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Psycho Mantis was born in 1975, making him 9 in TPP

I can't remember it word by word by in MGS1 he said he first used his powers properly to burn down his village and his father etc, at a young age.

There doesn't seem to be enough time for Mantis to be a formidable figure against Big Boss at the age he is here, not to mention why would he?

Not sure how Koji is gonna work that timeline out, unless TTP is based over 5-6 years and Mantis is closer to the end of the timeline

Mantis seems like he's stronger here than he is during MGS1 that he can create all these illusions. It's funny how he can make Big Boss see all that crap, but Snake was immune :lol
Mantis seems like he's stronger here than he is during MGS1 that he can create all these illusions. It's funny how he can make Big Boss see all that crap, but Snake was immune :lol

I think Big Boss is already suffering from PTSD, so he could just be messing with whats already not there that BB is seeing.
I think Big Boss is already suffering from PTSD, so he could just be messing with whats already not there that BB is seeing.

Snake isn't without PTSD either, just again it's another inconsistency with Kojima. Mantis should at least be weaker than he was in MGS1, given that he's a kid.
Snake isn't without PTSD either, just again it's another inconsistency with Kojima. Mantis should at least be weaker than he was in MGS1, given that he's a kid.

I’ve given up on continuity of this series, I only care about the game I’m playing, and how good it is. I expect there to be a ton of plot continuity errors, because Kojima hasn’t written out the whole series. As long as TPP is great, I don’t mind inconsistencies, which Kojima already said there will be, so he isn’t restricted to telling a great story.
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Mantis.. well I don't even think like that anymore, the explanation for me is simple: Kojima can do more stuff with today's hardware, thats it


The problem is, it just seems like he doesn't even care about his plot holes and continuity issues. I mean if he's aware of it, why is it so hard to stop it? :lol
I honestly don't think he cares that much, if he has an idea that he thinks is "genius", he will retcon without a problem. He basically admits it in one of his recent interviews.

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That's true, for someone who didn't go the George Lucas route, I think he's done a decent job so far, some explanations are cop outs (nanomatchines), but the continuity is okay so far, at-least for the average fan.

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Cop out is the only way to explain the answers we got in MGS4 after waiting 7 years since MGS2. Most of us built up our own concocted theories over the years about the biggest questions that MGS2 left on us... only to get lazily written answers.

I think Kojima planning to leave after MGS2 is the most substantial reason why the series can be such a convoluted mess at times, since he wasn't foreseeing his return, so he left so much open ended. But even still, it's not really an excuse since I'm sure he could of come up with something better. It was said that his original ending got vetoed by his crew, with Otacon & Snake being executed... which to me would of been a much more riveting experience than Bigge Bawse showing up...