I just died. You won the Internet, Mr. *****ed.
Kojima is a hack-writer still banking on the success of the very first 'Metal Gear' game on PlayStation. It just sounds to me like he is surrounded by goblin-like henchmen at Konami whispering in his ears that he can do wrong. Some go so far as calling him a God in the industry.
Yes, a God.
I believe former MGS1 translator Jeremy Blaustein said it best by previously stating that instead of [Kojima] hijacking his game and taking advantage of the thousands of people working on it, he should allow the story to be the vehicle of the game rather than make the game-play a vehicle for his over-expository nonsense. Kojima's fervent and imposing 1:1 translation on localizers is quite possibly the best example of a guy who believes his own hype.
No one has the veracity to challenge his preposterous ideas because of his influence in the company and with his ego now exponentially growing three times as big as my ballsack over the last decade, I can see why. If he doesn't want to be labelled as the "Metal Gear Guy," then why does he keep making these games? Death threats? Give me a break, man...
If it were not for its original English localization and Blaustein's co-direction (and I ain't referring to 'Twin Snakes'), MGS1 wouldn't have had as much praise or impact as it did back in 1998. It's now become a very bad and deeply perverted anime taking itself way too seriously (with 'Portable Ops' having the worst vomit-inducing storyline to date).
You might argue it's just Japanese humor/culture and that I don't "get it" but dude, when you read comments like "I don't think the world can handle MGSV" or "It might not make release because it's so taboo," that right there grinds my gears (no pun intended). Hell, the 'Yakuza' series and even games like 'God Hand' are considered way too out there for gamers but the difference between those games and MGS 2, 3, 4, and so forth, is that they aren't so far up their own ass trying to grasp at hypothetical straws.
It's sad but I used to be such a loyal fan defending this series until I realized how dumb the stories had become over the years. Bisexual vampires, talking arm, a guy who can control bees... Whatever.
But I digress, some fans eat that **** up. Unfortunately, I got tired of digesting it.
P.S. Oh, and if Kojima plans to release another demo for $40 to the public who might be oblivious to the fact that it's just a prologue to the actual game, it'd probably be best if there was a notice on the actual box art. Just saying.
End of rant. Time for my prostate.