Why should we criticize the trailer? Unless the trailer is ****ing awful I really don't care about the artistic value of a trailer at all, nor should anybody, besides it's not like we're actually criticizing the trailer, we're criticizing the game based on the trailer, which is not being insightful, nor a sign of not jumping on the bandwagon it's just making conjectures.
People/fanboys/haters use the people as an accolade or as complaint, depending on their point of view, such as "that movie/game is a classic for a reason, people loved it" or "People love that game/movie, it's overrated, sheeps".
It's delusional to think the entirety of individuals in the masses are mindless when it comes to liking something you dislike, it's a method to reassure yourself into your own opinion, nothing more.
It's just as easy to jump into the hate bandwagon as it is to jump into the hype one.
Point being, I'm not against the negative opinions at all, but I'm annoyed by the lingering air or pretension of the negative opinions being somehow higher/better cemented than the positive ones.
Having said that, the new trailer hinted at almost everything I'm expecting from the storyline, the highlight being BigBoss shown loosing it, you can feel he's changed throughout the trailer.
People tearing apart the trailer are kidding themselves, I remember MGS2 trailers being awful, not even showing Raiden, it was shameless misleading advertising and "people" think this is bad.....
So no Gameplay Demo ... Bummer
I think the horn is a nice aesthetic to add to his increasing ego. When I was a teenager, I got sliced across the side of my face by someone, so I decided that I'd look tough if I embraced it, and I cut myself with a knife to make an X with it. Seeing Big Boss keeping shrapnel in his head, reminded me of it. It was really stupid of me, but it worked.
@pturtle That's good to know! I'm looking forward to seeing it! With these next gen graphics, I'm really scared to mess up on those quick time sequences. Can you imagine the horror games with graphics like these? Yikes!
@Solidus What don't you like about the rocket peace? I think it's some neat black comedy. You wouldn't have to know anything about Metal Gear to know what it means!
I think the horn is a nice aesthetic to add to his increasing ego. When I was a teenager, I got sliced across the side of my face by someone, so I decided that I'd look tough if I embraced it, and I cut myself with a knife to make an X with it. Seeing Big Boss keeping shrapnel in his head, reminded me of it. It was really stupid of me, but it worked.
@Dead-man Thanks for the interview!
@pturtle That's good to know! I'm looking forward to seeing it! With these next gen graphics, I'm really scared to mess up on those quick time sequences. Can you imagine the horror games with graphics like these? Yikes!
He'll enjoy it you know, Henry would be into kinky stuffBecause Henry needs these to live.
Rocket peace, dildo head, pony tail... um, well actually the pony tail is something cool. But, everything else about his new look sucks!!!!!!!!
He'll enjoy it you know, Henry would be into kinky stuff![]()
Does anyone know if the trailer was leaked with english dub at the end instead of japanese? It would be interesting to know what was said in that convo.
Love the horned look personally, visual metaphors/symbolism are always fun. Trailer didn't excite me as much as the "Garbage" and "Sins Of The Father" trailer though it's not bad either. Not really surprised about the "music video" quality of the trailer since Konami and MGS fans have been entrenched in the AMV-making scene for quite some time now with a back-and-forth relationship on the subject. Rather intrigued about Skull Face hanging out with BB. That scene could mean anything though so I'm not even gonna bother to extrapolate.
Does anyone know if the trailer was leaked with english dub at the end instead of japanese? It would be interesting to know what was said in that convo.
"We'll make diamonds from their ashes, take them into battle with us."
If memory serves correctly from my studies in thermodynamics, you'll need at least several Giga Pascals of pressure, in addition to a massively high temperature (roughly, 30 percent of the temperature of the Earth's core) to even produce diamonds. I'm not sure if they can be made from ashes...
Please feel free to essay bomb, if you're in the mood. I'm very intrigued about hearing some theories about why Skull Face and Big Boss are in cahoots with each other. Based on GZ, I'm under the impression that Paz's torture/death may be an elaborate ruse to fool Zero. And I think Skull Face may have been Big Boss's ally from the beginning (albeit in secret). It's interesting that Camp Omega's security was so laxed, and even the position of Chico's prison cell was right next to a cliff which served as the perfect extraction point.