Super Freak
When I die I want to be turned into a diamond and be put into a famous rapper's fake tooth.
"We'll make diamonds from their ashes, take them into battle with us."
Don't know about Paz's torture/death being an elaborate ruse, but I'm slowly getting vibes that Big Boss's potential alliance with Skull Face could very well serve as a part of his "path to villainy", to put it bluntly. I can easily see that sort of thing rubbing Miller the wrong way (at least going by the original Metal Gear lore where he eventually hates BB). Doesn't help that Big Boss seems more focused on just going after Zero. That isn't to say that Skull Face doesn't have an agenda of his own, since I'm doubtful that the two would suddenly become buddies and stay that way throughout the story. It's also highly possible for Skull Face to justify his actions "because Zero made me do it" as a means of getting BB on his side (which would work well with the whole BB turning-into-a-villain angle).
That said, I think what this game desperately needs is more presence from Zero himself (not in the trailer, god no, at least in the game I mean). Ever since MGS4, Zero and the idea of The Patriots seemed almost non-existent and borderline non-threatening; which didn't help at all since part of the whole "Liquid Ocelot" ruse relied on how threatening they were supposed to come across, enough for Ocelot to devise such a plan in the first place . PW didn't help, what with Paz being a proxy agent for Cipher who's supposedly been deprived of a childhood because of Zero's training. We hear all these stories about how Zero became this horrible person that practically became tyrant despite worshiping BB yet that's all that we keep getting: stories.
MGS2 was the last time I felt any sense of dread towards The Patriots, and I hope to see that feeling return. We need a little more show-don't-tell this time around else BB's conflict with Zero will fall flat. Unless the point of all this is to show how much more dangerous and impulsive BB truly is in comparison, then I wouldn't mind seeing how they'd handle that as well.
When I die I want to be turned into a diamond and be put into a famous rapper's fake tooth.
"Venom Snake", huh?. As if Punished Snake wasn't ridiculous already. And now I need to change my signature for that other retarded name.
Hey, what do you know!It's the first time that they've ever done something like this, since MGS 2. They've been reading your posts, Ryan.
I'd make you into a diamond and put you into a laser cannon.
Venom Snake? Mmmmmmeh! Sound like a remarkably dull and unimaginative name, much prefer Punished Snake.
Forget rapper's tooth, that's much cooler![]()
But.... Then I wouldn't be in hip-hip videos... decisions....
Yup, it's just super boring.
So he goes from Naked Snake, to Punished Snake and finally to Venom Snake... did he get an STD or something?
Big Boss is going to spray his Venom all over Kaz as he punishes his Snake.
But first they must overcome the eviiilll likes of Oval Octopus, Raping Raven and Mouthful Mantis.