That's just the pseudo-fans and pseudo-geeks

remember, it's hip to be geek now, but ask them what is Zanzibar Land and they know ****
In my opinion, your only MGS game could have been MGSPO and you're still a fan of MGS. As fan of the story from the other games, there'd be that little voice in my head going, "That's not Frank. Frank was a half-white living in a Vietnam forced labor camp....blah, blah, blah," but whatever. I'll save it for people that are geeky about this franchise as me! As long as people are respectful and don't act condescending to others, it's all good. Almost everyone has something they are geeks about, and we all have our blindspots.
The elitism has gotten way out of hand. I understand how young kids and teenagers can get upset when they don't have much going on it their lives, so they cling onto their hobbies. They define themselves by their interests, and get offended when others don't have the same passion for something they hold so dear.The fact that there's grown men out there doing this stuff is ridiculous to me. With jobs, family, health, friends, relationships, housing, etc., we have to make a lot of sacrifices to enjoy this stuff.
I'm thankful I found MGS as a kid, otherwise I'd be way too overwhelmed to get into this series. I don't where folks on Sideshow grew up, but I didn't shut off a tv show if I didn't start from the beginning. I discovered the Simpsons when it was in its 15th season or so, and liked it. If it wasn't more my best friend lending me his early DVDs, I may not have had this attitude I have today of...."Pffft...the Simpsons was lousy after the 8th season". I really enjoyed the later stuff at that time, and if someone waved it in my face that I wasn't a fan, I would have wrote him off as a jerk, and I wouldn't have interest in something that jerk liked. Thankfully, my friend wasn't that way...hence why he's my friend!