Finally had a chance to crack him open
He is another gem from Mezco...but I'm little annoyed with Mezco..after having him in hand and posing him he is a fun figure but no way should this figure have been delayed for so long. There's nothing really awe dropping that stands out for me with this figure other than what we see. Is it beautifully designed..yes, nice outfit...yes, articulation fun..yes, Wow I guess I would prefer the lighter blue because it makes the comic outfit pop IMO. The claws IMO are fabulous but the figure as a whole is a little underwhelming for an exclusive that was so limited. I expected more.
Even for a Wolvie figure he looks a little stubby in scale, I know Mezco strived to make him short to accuracy but the proportions just seem a bit off.
The shoulder pads are really annoying, they just seem like an overused idea that was executed a bit short of what was needed. I like that they are adjustable but the clip could've been better. Does it help with the articulation..absolutely, but when they rest on the shoulders seem to flat
The options are very limited, I wish the claws would detach and you can attach them to the other hands.. but oh well.
The box Is really small..really surprised me for a Mezco.. I know it's because it's a barebones figure but I did expect such a small package.
Don't get me wrong...This is still a solid figure for Wolvie, the details are there, the design is unique with no hinderance to the articulation, It's fun posing him and displaying him, but I don't think it's mind blowing like the other Mezcos I've seen or own.
I think this should've been a general release like the others for what you get for him and do I never recommend anyone trying to get him on the secondary market for the money that is asked.
$100 is pushing it..over $100- $250 that I've seen..forget not waste your money. I believe Mezco will use this Wolvie as a blueprint and see more different types of Wolverine in the future. I think if you can get this at retail or a all means indulge yourself but anything above your money. I strongly agree there will be better wolvies coming. I really do.