1/6 MMS DX 02 - TDK- BATMAN full spec and pics

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Re: Hot Toys - MMS DX 02 - TDK- BATMAN full spec and pics

Those who have had both figures have said that the original suit also restricted poseability. Sounds like it's a minor difference.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS DX 02 - TDK- BATMAN full spec and pics

It is a minor difference. While the new one being hard plastic means no forward motion at the hip, the original make was almost as rigid as hard plastic, it was a very dense rubber, just flexible enough to know it was rubber but stronger than the joints of the TT body. You really don't lose anything.

As for the figure not working with the Batpod, I don't think Hot Toys intended it too. The Batpod and v1 TDK figure were made to work together, the DX came well after both were out, I think HT assumed people wanting a Batman for their Batpod already had the v1 for that purpose and didn't need the DX for it and just made the DX to be a standing figure that looked more true to Bale's look in the movie than the v1 figure did, which they accomplished.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS DX 02 - TDK- BATMAN full spec and pics

Ah, I see. Thanks Maglor & Maulfan, I really didn't know that about the first few batches. Do you or anybody know if the DCD ones have the oil problem on the bicep plates?
Re: Hot Toys - MMS DX 02 - TDK- BATMAN full spec and pics

Yeah, I don't think anyone who owned the pre-DCD/plastic abs figure will tell you that the mid-section articulation was useful. I've had my replacement DX Batman for a couple months now and I don't see any oil near the bicep plates.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS DX 02 - TDK- BATMAN full spec and pics

In theory, the DCD's shouldn't have issues with the biceps either, I've had my replacement with the new suit for a month now and no issues, which isn't a 100% guarantee, but for me it's a good sign as my figure had problems in less than a week when I originally got it in February.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS DX 02 - TDK- BATMAN full spec and pics

Was there a re-release with the rubber midsection that didn't have the oil problem or was that pretty much an issue with every shipment until this new hard plastic version? I'm asking because I'm quite partial to the rubberized suit as opposed to this new one. I have the takara version and i think its time for a new one.
Also, can someone tell me just how posable the rubber abs DX02 is? There is mention that it wasn't too posable but can someone post a picture showing just how much was possible?
Re: Hot Toys - MMS DX 02 - TDK- BATMAN full spec and pics

I received my shipping notification from Alter Ego today so I'll hopefully have it by early next week. Almost forgot I had this pre-ordered, hah.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS DX 02 - TDK- BATMAN full spec and pics

Was there a re-release with the rubber midsection that didn't have the oil problem or was that pretty much an issue with every shipment until this new hard plastic version? I'm asking because I'm quite partial to the rubberized suit as opposed to this new one. I have the takara version and i think its time for a new one.
Also, can someone tell me just how posable the rubber abs DX02 is? There is mention that it wasn't too posable but can someone post a picture showing just how much was possible?

All efforts with the rubber for the front of the shirt failed. There was the intial release, then HT tried to remedy the problem sticking a thin plastic sheet between the shirt and pants, that failed, it seems they finally just gave up trying to make the rubber work and went with hard plastic as a sure thing.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS DX 02 - TDK- BATMAN full spec and pics

All efforts with the rubber for the front of the shirt failed. There was the intial release, then HT tried to remedy the problem sticking a thin plastic sheet between the shirt and pants, that failed, it seems they finally just gave up trying to make the rubber work and went with hard plastic as a sure thing.

Good to know. So why then was there no problem with V1? Aside from a different internal body type I would assume they used the same rubber material albeit a different size?
Re: Hot Toys - MMS DX 02 - TDK- BATMAN full spec and pics

IMO, this argument would have merit if we were talking about DCD 1/6. But we are NOT! Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't THE WHOLE PURPOSE of buying such expensive toys is because of their ultra high quality (or at least whats ment to be hight quality), as well as well as the extreme poseablity?

i don't think it unreasonable to expect the toy to function as its designed to do, & I don't think it makes a collector out to be a cry baby or any such thing just because we want the quality & craftsmanship we paid good money for.

If HT wants to drop its MSRP down to $70 a pop then they (or others) will have earned the right to tell us to quite b1tching. Until then........LETS B1TCH!

I was always under the impression since taking on this hobby 9+ months ago that these are highliy detailed to a point when magnifying even beyond real size scale the details are still amazing. But from day one I realized these are delicate and fragile pieces and the posability is a bonus only to be enjoyed with care. The fact that there is nothing that comes even close in detail even paying significantly more is what has increasingly raised my "acceptable" price range.
For DX02 even if it had no issues at all and still had the rubber abs the V1 & TDK OC has taught me not to leave it in any extreme pose as the rubber suit is for visual and not functional pleasure... compromises have to be made and I prefer the stiff abs over leaky abs and hopefully some of you remember the V1 gutt so many love to hate and reason why the abs were redesigned in the first place.
In the end if you try harder to put all the hardship behind you this figure is still one masterpiece!
Re: Hot Toys - MMS DX 02 - TDK- BATMAN full spec and pics

Good to know. So why then was there no problem with V1? Aside from a different internal body type I would assume they used the same rubber material albeit a different size?

Nope, the v1 shirt and pants were made entirely of a soft rubber, but they also only had grey paint for the kevlar parts, no detail. People complained about that, and however HT applies the dotted pattern for the kevlar, it would seem they need something denser than the rubber used on the v1 suit, so, they seem to have opted to make the front of the shirt out of a denser rubber to give the kevlar armor on that part more detail, though the sides of the shirt and the pants are still soft rubber and just grey paint. They wanted to give the fans what they asked for, more detail to the kevlar, but something went wrong with the rubber they used and apparently they never figured out what and just said screw it, make it hard plastic and we'll be done. They could have also gone soft rubber like the rest of the suit, but it would mean less paint detail and having already shipped the figure with the detail that probably would have bothered collectors, though I say, better to have working, defect free figure minus small, less than critical details than to have one with details that's broken.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS DX 02 - TDK- BATMAN full spec and pics

Thanks for all the answers, really cleared up about 700 pages of info! Just two more questions, since the sides and back of the mid-section are still rubber can the figure move side to side as well as have the ability to lean back?

I really wanted the figure to pose crouched down from the scene where he's atop the HK tower surveying where he was going to shoot the sticky bomb and subsequently assembling the gun, was that remotely possible with the original DX-02 version?
Re: Hot Toys - MMS DX 02 - TDK- BATMAN full spec and pics

Crouching/hunching has never really been possible or ideal with the DX figure. The stomach's restrictive to leaning over, and the pants are pretty snug, if you bend the legs too much at the hips, it makes wrinkles and isn't ideal for a long term pose for the figure to keep the suit looking nice.

Really, to me, the DX Batman is a figure that's made to pretty much stand upright, maybe legs apart in a battle type stance and arms holding up guns or fist or whatever, but it doesn't have the dynamic posing range that the more loosely suited v1 TDK had, but it's the price you pay. The v1 was more posable, but looked less like Bale did in the movie, DX looks amazing but it doesn't have as much posability as the first figure. Overally, I'm happier longterm with the DX and having the nice aesthetic they came up with than having a posable figure like the v1 with an oversized chest and just really poor proportions.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS DX 02 - TDK- BATMAN full spec and pics

Got my notice from DCBS or whatever that place is called. Thursday for me. Just a day late for my birthday :slap

And it was only like $135 SHIPPED! :banana

I think that is less than I paid for the V1!

that's odd. I ordered from the same place and haven't heard a peep from them. Time to write an email.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS DX 02 - TDK- BATMAN full spec and pics

Just heard from UPS via e-mail - my shipment from DCBS is on its way.

that's odd. I ordered from the same place and haven't heard a peep from them. Time to write an email.

Might want to hold off a day or two - they may have sent it out, but UPS is being slow about letting you know, or maybe they didn't get them all out the door on day one. No need to worry just yet!
Re: Hot Toys - MMS DX 02 - TDK- BATMAN full spec and pics

I stated in no uncertain terms a few pages back that I was passing on this figure. I based this on the posting of the You-Tube Vid. update of the new DCD released figure with the firm abs. However, although I admit that I smuggly posted to Limited-Non-Exist that this had sealed the deal for me, I must admit to prior buyers remorse from getting sucked in to the HT "Joker" V1, BR, and DX hype. Having purchased all three, I realized that patience would be prudent. (Although I leapt at the DK V1 AND Iron Man MK III--thinking foolishly that how could this get any better...:rotfl) I did not learn. I am still trigger happy with my purchases, and have not learned the art of patience.

The DX is the superior Bat Man, compared to the V1.

...God please grant me the serenity to...
Re: Hot Toys - MMS DX 02 - TDK- BATMAN full spec and pics

that's odd. I ordered from the same place and haven't heard a peep from them. Time to write an email.

I think DCBS was 138 shipped for everyone flat rate UPS. I'm sure they're sending them out in the order orders were taken. I figure they had at least 100 to ship. Hopefully, you'll get a notice tomorrow. Mine arrives Thursday.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS DX 02 - TDK- BATMAN full spec and pics

I think DCBS was 138 shipped for everyone flat rate UPS. I'm sure they're sending them out in the order orders were taken. I figure they had at least 100 to ship. Hopefully, you'll get a notice tomorrow. Mine arrives Thursday.

The only reason I'm concerned is that my order was via emial so I never actually placed an order via their website. When I heard about their price I immediately went to the site but they were sold out. I email them and they took my order that way. I have an order number and everything but no actual receipt or PO statement, So I just want to make sure things are straight.