You're telling me! I was reading through this thread and it's like navigating a minefield. HT is raising the bar to INSANE levels for figures and people are STILL picking it apart. It just blows my mind.
We've come so far in the 1:6 world in just a few years, and now people are expecting their figures to look EXACTLY like a shrunken down actor. I mean, what's next? People are going to ask for the chests to move up and down and air to come out of the figures mouths? Figures that move on their own? Sweat? BLOOD?
It's just insane. This figure is a huge improvement on the last release, it's innovative, it comes with a lot of swag... It may not have a Wayne.. but c'mon guys... the last two figures came with heads... get a damn suit and make your Wayne already.
I just don't get the picking it apart mentality. Just be happy it looks enough like the actor, has great detail and doesn't cost $300. Take a look back at the figures of 5 years ago and just be happy with what you have.