1/6 MMS152 - Superman: Superman Collectible Figure

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Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

I think this case is a prime example of how a direct translation can look terrible. Especially if the actor playing the part can't really carry it off. Which to me seems to be the case here.

from the pic posted I agree, it doesn't look too good on Cain. But, whatching it on screen in action looks better. of course it's all opinion based so there's really no point in me trying to defend it :lol I already know most of you guys here don't care for Cain's portrayal, and that's a-ok with me:wink1:
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

But again, that's just me wanting to put some "realism" into the larger than life world of comics.

UGH :slap :gah:... This gets under my skin every time I see it written. COMIC BOOKS ARE NOT MEANT TO BE REAL WORLD. They are larger then life for a reason, they are meant to be fake. Good always beating evil.

:monkey2:monkey2:monkey2:monkey2 USE SPOILER TAGS PLEASE, THEY'RE THERE FOR A REASON, YA KNOW!!!!! :monkey2:monkey2:monkey2:monkey2
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Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

Any Superman fans near LA going to this?

THE HERO COMPLEX FILM FESTIVAL Superman/Superman II event with Richard Donner ticket includes access to a DC Comics panel with Geoff Johns & Jim Lee. Tickets 25% off with promo code SUPERMAN! https://bit.ly/lmY5UJ
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

But again, that's just me wanting to put some "realism" into the larger than life world of comics.

UGH :slap :gah:... This gets under my skin every time I see it written. COMIC BOOKS ARE NOT MEANT TO BE REAL WORLD. They are larger then life for a reason, they are meant to be fake. Good always beating evil.


Actually, I find that a bit silly. :dunno
It's like Sci-Fi, it is fantasy, but it doesn't hurt when it does have things that ground it in real life, that make you go "ah, I get how this could work".
Same happens to me with Super-heroes.
They're fantasy, but it helps when you see that Batman's suit has some armor to protect him.
Or when you see that Iron Man's suit works on some type of energy that is not endless, but needs to be re-charged. Those small details make the fantasy all the more engrossing.
So if Superman's suit looks like it is made of some type of high-tech material, it seems more logical that it can withstand supersonic flights or being exposed to the elements or a nuclear blast. Granted, it doesn't have to look high-tech, it could look like regular spandex and we'd have to accept that it is high-tech, but to me it's more satisfying when it has some type of texture and look to it.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

Actually, I find that a bit silly. :dunno
It's like Sci-Fi, it is fantasy, but it doesn't hurt when it does have things that ground it in real life, that make you go "ah, I get how this could work".
Same happens to me with Super-heroes.
They're fantasy, but it helps when you see that Batman's suit has some armor to protect him.
Or when you see that Iron Man's suit works on some type of energy that is not endless, but needs to be re-charged. Those small details make the fantasy all the more engrossing.
So if Superman's suit looks like it is made of some type of high-tech material, it seems more logical that it can withstand supersonic flights or being exposed to the elements or a nuclear blast. Granted, it doesn't have to look high-tech, it could look like regular spandex and we'd have to accept that it is high-tech, but to me it's more satisfying when it has some type of texture and look to it.

So by that rational, you shouldn't have any issues with the Reeve suit then given it's Kryptonian, aka alien fabric. :dunno
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

The explanation in the comics is that Superman's invincibility is an aura that extends very small distance from his body. Therefore, as long as he is ok in a nuclear blast, his regular cloth spandex suit will also be just fine since it is within the aura. His cape, of course, regularly gets shred, burned, and flat out annihilated in battle.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

But again, that's just me wanting to put some "realism" into the larger than life world of comics.

UGH :slap :gah:... This gets under my skin every time I see it written. COMIC BOOKS ARE NOT MEANT TO BE REAL WORLD. They are larger then life for a reason, they are meant to be fake. Good always beating evil.


I don't get what you mean. If Superman span around the earth and turned back time to save Lois, how can it not be real? I swear to God you people need to get your heads out of your local newspapers and start watching some TV. You might learn a few things about the real world. :lecture
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

The aura is a modern attempt to explain it. If you go back a bit you'll you'll see that originally the suit was made from the Kryptonian blankets baby Kal-El was wrapped in.
It's sometimes best not to overthink details in fantasy like this. Once you start trying to attach real science to it it tends to fall apart and just draw attention to the absurdity of it all.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

What a freakin' nerdfest. The same people looking for some kind of science behind the fantasy are probably the same people who are really curious as to how Bruce Banner's jeans remain largely intact despite his transformation into the Hulk.

Spoiler: it's to cover up his genitals people. And nobody wants to see Superman's Kryptonian Jewels either.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

The explanation in the comics is that Superman's invincibility is an aura that extends very small distance from his body. Therefore, as long as he is ok in a nuclear blast, his regular cloth spandex suit will also be just fine since it is within the aura. His cape, of course, regularly gets shred, burned, and flat out annihilated in battle.

The aura is a modern attempt to explain it. If you go back a bit you'll you'll see that originally the suit was made from the Kryptonian blankets baby Kal-El was wrapped in.
It's sometimes best not to overthink details in fantasy like this. Once you start trying to attach real science to it it tends to fall apart and just draw attention to the absurdity of it all.

:lecture:lecture:lecture :exactly: They should've just left it at that. The whole aura thing is gay.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

Whichever explanation you choose, aura or advanced Kryptonian fabric Superman's costume was never about protection for it's wearer, and it's design wasn't about function as much as it was about being a highly visible symbol. Overthinking the costume is exactly what bothered me about it in Superman Returns.

I agree with abake though that it is fun, (and I can argue, even necessary) to think of some plausible explanations for things in fantasy stories. Even if the physics is completely off from what we experience as reality, there has to be some "ground rules" to the fantasy world itself that tethers the characters within their own reality otherwise it's "anything goes" from writer to writer.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

Whichever explanation you choose, aura or advanced Kryptonian fabric Superman's costume was never about protection for it's wearer, and it's design wasn't about function as much as it was about being a highly visible symbol. Overthinking the costume is exactly what bothered me about it in Superman Returns.

I agree with abake though that it is fun, (and I can argue, even necessary) to think of some plausible explanations for things in fantasy stories. Even if the physics is completely off from what we experience as reality, there has to be some "ground rules" to the fantasy world itself that tethers the characters within their own reality otherwise it's "anything goes" from writer to writer.

When you consider the fact that he defies gravity and basic physics, being able to pull something weighing tons up into the air and carrying it while flying, and is able to disguise himself from dear friends and loved ones with just a pair of glasses, applying anything "real world" to Superman is redundant. :lol
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

Redundant? I don't think that word means what you think it means.

Besides, my point is not that a reader can apply "real world" to Superman. In fact, I am saying something subtly different...instead, they should read Superman comics (or enjoy any fantasy story though the lens on "this could make sense in this fantasy world, not because it violates my real world rules, but because it does not violate this fantasy world's rules. Or do you disagree? Fantasy universes don't have their own inherent logic?
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

Redundant? I don't think that word means what you think it means.

Besides, my point is not that a reader can apply "real world" to Superman. In fact, I am saying something subtly different...instead, they should read Superman comics (or enjoy any fantasy story though the lens on "this could make sense in this fantasy world, not because it violates my real world rules, but because it does not violate this fantasy world's rules. Or do you disagree? Fantasy universes don't have their own inherent logic?

Definition of REDUNDANT

1 exceeding what is necessary or normal : superfluous b : characterized by or containing an excess; specifically : using more words than necessary

Putting too much thought into applying "real world" explanations of Superman's powers IS redundant as there is absolutely no logic in his abilities given they defy all the laws of both nature and physics. Sure you know what redundant means?
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

Sooo.....applying anything "real world" to Superman (which again, wasn't even my point, btw)....is exceeding what is necessary or normal....superfluous....excessive??

You keep coming back to that comics aren't "real world" position, which is quite easy to knock down....but it isn't my position. Look, I agree with you to the point that Superman's world (and fantasy worlds in general) cannot and should not be held to the same level of scrutiny as say...a grainy bigfoot or UFO video that someone claims is "real". I am not saying that at all. You have not addressed my question though. Should fantasy worlds have their own rules/logic/pseudo-physics/whatever you want to call it, that dictates what is within the realm of possibility in that story? Or is it anything goes as long as it is fiction, and we should just completely turn our brains off at the door to enjoy it?