1/6 MMS152 - Superman: Superman Collectible Figure

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Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

The explanation in the comics is that Superman's invincibility is an aura that extends very small distance from his body. Therefore, as long as he is ok in a nuclear blast, his regular cloth spandex suit will also be just fine since it is within the aura. His cape, of course, regularly gets shred, burned, and flat out annihilated in battle.

Ah, that explains a lot!
Didn't know that. Cool bit of info, thanks.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

The aura is a modern attempt to explain it. If you go back a bit you'll you'll see that originally the suit was made from the Kryptonian blankets baby Kal-El was wrapped in.
It's sometimes best not to overthink details in fantasy like this. Once you start trying to attach real science to it it tends to fall apart and just draw attention to the absurdity of it all.

So which is it now, the kryptonian suit or Superman's aura?

This is getting too confusing...
I'll read the whole damn thread before writing anymore! :slap
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

Well, in all seriousness... the Franco likeness is better at capturing the actor than the Reeve and Ford sculpts, it's a fact.

One reason i think we are easily able to accept this Reeve sculpt is because he is dressed like Superman... same with the Ford, some people look past the sculpt being off and see the character, not the actor.

If they had posted the Reeve sculpt without the curl dressed in some everyday clothes, i think more people would have seen a different person.

With the New Goblin figure, it's not nearly as Iconic so HT really needed to nail the likeness...

Now, this is just my Opinion and i am not trying to convince anyone to see it my way... just wanted to say what i felt in an adult way.

I really think the Superman figure is great and even if they don't tweak the sculpt one single bit, i will have him in my collection. However, on the otherhand, the Indiana Jones figure will probably not be purchased unless something is fixed... sadly.

Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

So which is it now, the kryptonian suit or Superman's aura?

This is getting too confusing...
I'll read the whole damn thread before writing anymore! :slap

Go with the older explanation. This new aura thing was lame anyway. :lol
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

this probably have been said many times in here. i got this on pre-order, but i cant help feeling ht will do a 2-in-1 (ala supes returns), which in all likelihood be even better than this version.

and while this version looks great upon my initial viewing, after looking at many pics of the real thing, i'm beginning to spot imperfection in the figure.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

Oh sales for this wont be a problem, Supes is selling like hot cakes and Onesixthbruce in the UK has had record breaking pre-order sales already.

If your on the fence about buying Supes dont wait too long co's he wont be around.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

If a 2-in-1 version came (which I don't think it will), first off, it would be much more expensive, which people will complain about. Secondly, it would not, I would wager, have a similar facial expression. This suit and sculpt are not going to warrant flat out re-releases on the order of the Superman Returns 2-in-1 Superman due to defects and imperfections in the original. Hot Toys does re-release characters from time to time, yes. But not without reason (Batman Begins Batman looked pretty bad in hindsight, Joker V1 had a crap face and inaccurate clothes (apparently), TDK Bats V1 looked a bit funny in his suit, the face wasn't all that great, and he was missing all the "sonar" and flying Batman goodies, V1 Supes had a horrible paint job on his face and the outfit wasn't as nice in quality as the 2-in-1 version, etc.). Despite the nits people can find with this Reeve Superman, he's pretty damn good and I'm sure Hot Toys knows it. Any improvements would be fairly minor IMO and not sufficient to warrant a re-release.

Much more likely, I think, is a Clark Kent figure released on its own, where you can pull his shirt open to see the shirt underneath, but no Superman outfit apart from that. He would probably come with an alternate Superman head sculpt with a different expression as we saw with T-1000 as Sarah Connor.

This, I predict. AND THIS, I COMMAND!

[ame="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kz7h1KN_EFg"]YouTube - ‪GI Joe: Serpentor - He Who Commands a Lot‬‏[/ame]
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

yeah i've learned to accept imperfection nowadays. the percentage for this reeve is higher to my eyes though, above 85%. much better than ht's indy or sparrow. giving supes a smile(a signature reeve's supes look) might raise the percentage more.

on the contrary, i suspect if you're patience and skip this one you might be rewarded with an even better 2-in-1 version. like you said, this one sells like hotcakes. and knowing how ht thinks, a hotcake fig means a 2nd version of the hotcake fig is a definite.

I'm not bothered about a 2 in 1 at all.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

Of course, then you'd have to ask yourself how on earth did Mrs. Kent manage to cut and sew that indestructible material into a suit! :gah:
there are 2 suits. ma kent sewn one using regular clothes. it torn to shred upon clark's first use in a supersonic flight.

didnt want to disappoint ma kent who spent weeks sewing it for him, clark sewn another one using the kryptonian material and passed it as hers. so he stayed with ma kent's design even when he knew the only reason the costume has red underwear on the outside is because ma kent's ran out of blue fabric when sewing it.
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Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

If a 2-in-1 version came (which I don't think it will), first off, it would be much more expensive, which people will complain about. Secondly, it would not, I would wager, have a similar facial expression. This suit and sculpt are not going to warrant flat out re-releases on the order of the Superman Returns 2-in-1 Superman due to defects and imperfections in the original. Hot Toys does re-release characters from time to time, yes. But not without reason (Batman Begins Batman looked pretty bad in hindsight, Joker V1 had a crap face and inaccurate clothes (apparently), TDK Bats V1 looked a bit funny in his suit, the face wasn't all that great, and he was missing all the "sonar" and flying Batman goodies, V1 Supes had a horrible paint job on his face and the outfit wasn't as nice in quality as the 2-in-1 version, etc.). Despite the nits people can find with this Reeve Superman, he's pretty damn good and I'm sure Hot Toys knows it. Any improvements would be fairly minor IMO and not sufficient to warrant a re-release.

Much more likely, I think, is a Clark Kent figure released on its own, where you can pull his shirt open to see the shirt underneath, but no Superman outfit apart from that. He would probably come with an alternate Superman head sculpt with a different expression as we saw with T-1000 as Sarah Connor.

This, I predict. AND THIS, I COMMAND!
it will be more expensive, sure, but i dont know about "much more expensive". can plain old 'business suit and pants'(for clark) be more expensive than ice base that lights up? the extra cost will be for the 2nd head because it will undoubtedly come with 2 heads - as reeve played it in the films supes and clark just warrant two distinct expressions.

and sometimes you will only know a sculpt is inferior when a superior sculpt shows up. like you said: "Batman Begins Batman looked pretty bad in hindsight". i even remember a very popular toy reviewer(i wont name names) who thought the sculpt of v1 joker was great even when i thought it was crap first time i saw it. no doubt he changed his tune once bank robber joker showed up. you wont know until you see it. and this current reeve sculpt, while great, still has room for improvement.

this one will sell like hot cakes. knowing ht, that's all the reason they need to make another version. it's that simple. anything they leave out in the current version, they will use as justification for a 2nd version. we should all know how ht thinks by now.

I'm not bothered about a 2 in 1 at all.
but i will. if it turn out to be much better.
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Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

Well, in all seriousness... the Franco likeness is better at capturing the actor than the Reeve and Ford sculpts, it's a fact.

Now, this is just my Opinion and i am not trying to convince anyone to see it my way... just wanted to say what i felt in an adult way.


It can't be fact if it's just your opinion. So no it's not a fact.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

GOD DAYMN !!! Have you seen the Hot Toys Harry Osborne sculpt from Spiderman 3 ? They got the likeness spot on with that one but they cant get Indy and Supes !? How the FOOK does that work !? I have not even one single nitpick about the Hob Goblin sculpt....its spot on James Franco !!! Hot Toys has no excuse in not getting the head sculpts 100% bang on right when they produce sculpts like Hob Gob !!!

I want to see some photoshop.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

yeah i've learned to accept imperfection nowadays. the percentage for this reeve is higher to my eyes though, above 85%. much better than ht's sparrow.

really? sorry but I have to disagree with that if you're talking about the DX Jack Sparrow. Sparrow is one of HT best all around figures and Kojun did a killer job capturing Depp's likeness. I will say that it's a better likeness captured than this one, though that doesn't take anything away from this CR Supes
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

Is it just me or is that decapitated superman figure banner up there bother anyone else? I say use a horizontal pic of him for that banner. Maybe a flying one.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

I want to know if we PO figures, does that gives hot toys a chance to make that amount of figures or do they already have a number in mind?
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

I want to know if we PO figures, does that gives hot toys a chance to make that amount of figures or do they already have a number in mind?

I'm sure that give a damn how many are POED. They make what they want and that's it.